In the Revolutionary War, there were many different influencers that affected the course of the War. Both the American Colonies and the British had brave and noble heroes. Yet there was one man who became a traitor and disliked by both sides in his lifetime. Benedict Arnold was an egotistical, bold man who managed to find himself without anywhere to run do despise, or perhaps more because of, his actions and behavior during the Revolution. Benedict Arnold had always been devilish, even from a young
Throughout history, there are moments that become pivotal points for major outcomes. The capturing and hanging of John Andre was one of these pivotal moments. A British Major who spied on the Americans and tried to close off the New England from the rest of the colonies, Andre was a man willing to do anything for his country. John Andre was born on May 2, 1750 in London. He was the son of Huguenots. He attended the University of Geneva in Switzerland where he studied mathematics and military drawing
Charles Le Brun’s influence on the Palace of Versailles Charlotte Barnett Prof. Dairus Spieth ARTH 4401 November 3, 2014 Charles Le Brun’s Influence on the Palace of Versailles Charles Le Brun, a renowned 17th century artist-politician lived between 1619 and 1690. He gained prominence through his impeccable paintings, coupled with his mastery of creation in the architecture of gardens, buildings, and in sculptures. Le Brun drew his inspiration from Michelangelo, which expanded his horizons
Intro The Eastern Façade of the Louvre was the one of most important architecture in the seventeen century. The Façade is the main entrance for royal palace in its original proposal. However, Louis XIV, who decided to build this architecture with his finance minister, moved to the Château de Versailles as his royal palace. Nowadays, this side of the Louvre is an inconspicuous entrance of the Louvre Museum. As a palace entrance, the eastern Facade of the Louvre responded the traditional chateau
The atomic bomb signaled not only the commencement of the Cold War, but also a political divide between the communist ideologies of the Soviet Union and the democracy of the Western world. A fear of communism behind the Iron Curtain and nuclear annihilation spread throughout the US, while existential views regarding the meaning of life arose. Through their texts, composers subverted dominant Cold War paradigms to …….. ATQ……. Samuel Beckett’s modernist existential play ‘Waiting for Godot (Godot) (1953)’