Jrr tolkein

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    THE HOBBIT BY J.R.R. TOLKIEN The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a story of adventure and danger, and it is a prime example of a romantic plot and fantasy genre. What makes this story such a great example of a romantic plot? One, the unlikely hero, Mr. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit that is dragged on an adventure he doesn’t wish to take. Second, there is a great quest with a reward at its end. Third the great teacher figure, Gandalf is a wizard that helps Bilbo to become the great hero he is destined

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  • Decent Essays

    In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit, this was the start to his rise in literature with many best sellers and movies based on his bestselling books. He was won many awards for his work including the “International Fantasy Award for Fiction” for the Lord of the Rings novel in 1957. He was well known in the writing community for his achievements on the Lord of the Rings as well as in poetry. In order to comprehend Tolkien you must first analyze his early life, his works, and how the world around

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  • Better Essays

    Personal Narrative- My Love of Reading and Writing Reading and writing has always played a vital part in my life. From toddler to adult, pre-elementary to college, I’ve managed to sharpen both skills to my liking. However, even though it significantly helped, schooling was not what influenced me to continue developing those skills into talent. Many different things shaped and influenced my learning, and now reading and writing have become the safety net of my life. I know that

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  • Decent Essays

    Best two things in my life Reading and writing has always played part of me. From toddler to adult, I have managed to sharpen both skills to my liking. However, even though it significantly helped, schooling was not what influenced me to continue developing those skills to talent. Many different things shaped and influenced my learning in my country, and now reading and writing have become the safety net of my life. I know that even if I have nothing else in the future, I will still have my talent

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