Sanity is in the mind of the beholder; one person's reality is not necessarily the reality for everyone. In the short story, “The Yellow Pill” by Rog Phillips, this is the main idea when two men, Dr. Elton and Jerry Bocek, meet in either a psychiatrist’s office or in a spaceship. By the end of the story, it is clear that Dr. Elton is living in reality and the story takes place on earth. Throughout the short story there are many instances that tell the reader that both Dr. Elton and Jerry are on
to repair the wall, and in the simile, "Like an old-stone savage armed", Frost attests that his neighbor has the stride and stubborn ignorance of a caveman. He also uses other devices such as a pun, applied in the line, "And to whom I was like to give offence." The last word of the line simply emphasizes the importance of the subject, the fence. The most prominent figure of speech, however, is the ironic, "Good fences make good neighbors." This is completely opposite of the connotation of the poem
He also uses other devices such as a pun, applied in the line, "And to whom I was like to give offence." The last word of the line simply emphasizes the importance of the subject, the fence. The most prominent figure of speech, however, is the ironic, "Good fences make good neighbors." This is completely opposite of the connotation of the poem
glance at the poem “Another Lullaby for Insomniacs” by A.E. Stallings, it can seem like the subject is insomnia just for the title but it has more than depth than that. In order to understand what the theme of the poem is, readers must analyze is line by line. After doing so, you should come to realize that the theme is that theirs this guy who’s broken hearted over his lover who moved because he didn’t put a ring on her finger and now he can’t sleep over it. Numerous readers don’t look inside a
It was 40,000 feet above the ground. A big bald white guy shoves himself in an economy class seat next to the window with his big puffy sky-blue pillow by his side. The other passengers might have wondered how did he carry such a big pillow with him and why would he, but many sure are jealous of him. May be it was worth it to carry such a big pillow. It was a full flight with a 3-4-3 seating arrangement and the plane was dark. It was almost silent, but there were the machine sounds of the heavy plane
In the first stanza, the artist, Justin Vernon, wishes for a thinned out and broken love to heal. Vernon asserts that he is deeply hurt in regard to his partner not being who she pretended to be. The pouring of salt mentioned in the second line is parallel with this theme because many people revere salt for its healing and preservative properties. Ultimately, Vernon believes this metaphorical salt can fix and preserve his relationship as if nothing had ever gone wrong. A veneer “covers something’s
courses at Local Community College. Students walk in and out of the building all day and stop only to enter a classroom or buy food from the vending machines which fill one corner of the building’s long hallway. Often, students sit on the chairs that line the walls while waiting for a class to start, but for now the hallway is nearly empty and waiting for the ambush of students. Outside the classroom, a number plaque reading one-hundred and seventy is sitting on the wall framed in blue. Another
to die and how. She tries to show us the important words and meanings by capitalizing it and she leads us with her title to the next line and makes it even more interested for the reader. The second line “he kindly stopped for me” is about
in our heads in already chaotic in nature; it add insult to injury, the bird is eating and patrolling the bay, assumedly for another animal to devour – a fish. Also another bird enters the picture. Although much less extreme, the “heron “ found in line 6 makes an appearance. How this inspires chaos is evident – “rose off a boulder where he’d been invisible,/ drifted a little, stood again.” The heron from the background makes himself known, disquieting our original ideal of a peaceful stroll. The
The waiting area is heaven when comparing it to the option of sitting on the cardboard bench in your shack and having discussions with your family. With all the line waiting, convenient security checks, and more waiting; the airplane ride itself can be expected to be even more enjoyable. As you first make your way around the plane, attempting to locate your seat, remember that some people find it necessary to block