As I walked off the plane in Minnesota, I looked around for my aunt, who was supposed to pick me up in the airport. There was a lot of people standing there, I thought, for just a simple charter flight. As I approached the crowd, I could start to detect small whispers among. I couldn’t hear the contents of any of their conversations, but as I neared the back of the crowd, the whispers stopped. All of the that were standing there turned around at once, and started gawking in my direction. After a
Talking about looks he also looks to old to play a role of a teenager which is Kenickie. Didi Conn was good at playing an airhead so it helped her play the role of Frenchy, but that’s what i mainly liked about the role. Dennis C. Stewart had a bad boy vibe so it helped with his role as Leo Balmudo. He looked kind of old to play the role just like Stockard Channing who played Betty Rizzo and Jeff Conaway who played Kenickie. Now onto the body paragraph where I’ll be describing what I like and what
Grease is a musical film written by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey and released on February 14, 1972. The film was directed by Tom Moore and its producing organization is Theatrical Rights Worldwide. Grease is a musical film set in California in the late 1950’s following working class teenager dealing with the hurdles of personal values, romance and social expectations (Jacobs and Casey). The story revolves around a greaser, Danny Zuko, and his summer sweetheart, Sandy with the question being if they
T-Birds, meets with his friend Kenickie, Sonny, Doody
Danny and Sandy, played by Aaron Tveit and Julianne Hough, had a summer fling and she doesn't want it to end. Cut to the beginning of the school year Danny is telling his friends that he had a wonderful time at the beach because of a the action. The Thunderbirds and Pink Ladies run into each other in the hallway mostly creating awkwardness. Frenchy, played by Carly Rae Jasen, runs into Sandy and heads to homeroom. Sandy meets the whole crew including Patty Simcox. Danny and Sandy explains their summer
pals, upsetting Sandy, who storms off. In an attempt to impress Sandy, Danny turns to Coach Calhoun to get into sports, eventually becoming a runner. He reunites with Sandy and they attempt to go on a date, but their friends crash it, resulting in Kenickie and Rizzo
“Men are rats, listen to me, they’re fleas on rats, worse than that, they’re amoebas on fleas on rats. I mean, they’re too low for even the dogs to bite. The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy.(Direct Quote) This report is going to be all about Grease. We are going to describe the following; the history, how it relates to the outsiders, plot, setting, the actors, and other important details. Grease is a movie about love and friendship. It’s funny, charming, and at times a bit inappropriate
Grease is a classic American film that takes place in the 1950s and explores ideas of gender and sexuality. The film was produced in 1978 by Robert Stigwood and Allen Carr and was directed by Rundel Kleiser. The film was not set in the 1970s because it would have to tell a different story; in the 1970s there was birth control and an abundance of sexual liberation, unlike the 1950s. The producers were able to connect the concepts of events from the 1950s into the film. Grease explores the ideas of
The character ‘Sandy Olsen’ is a young Australian girl who has just moved to America. The time period is set in the nineteen fifties. Sandy tries to fit in with Americans teenagers at that time even though she comes from a different environment. Sandy is in this situation because in the summer she met Danny Zuko at the beach during her vacation in America. She doesn't think she will see Danny again but after her parents decide not to return to Australia she enrols in Rydell High School (the same
The classic film is a good example of how all teenagers think and act. From the “cool kids” to the “outcasts,” we all fall into various roles and run wild as we play our parts. At the beginning of the film, on the characters first day of school, Kenickie speaks of how he has been working all summer. His reason for sacrificing his summer, which most kids would not do, is to purchase a new car. This is an example of Operant conditioning. He works hard because he is aware of the result, which is a car