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  • Good Essays

    Kobolds swarmed over the hill as Skrune fled for his life. He ran until his legs just about gave out. Gasping for air, he ducked behind a man-sized mushroom, hiding from the creatures, only a stone 's throw away. Luckily, he stood downwind. He wrinkled his nose as a breeze, carrying the stench of the creatures, blew passed him. Well, maybe not so lucky. He spotted at least thirty of the creatures, but didn 't doubt that there were more creeping around. A kobold bent down and sniffed the ground with

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  • Decent Essays

    Short Story

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    “No, but I could forgive you your mistake. You’re here because you didn’t die. You’ve spent the last several hours being healed, true, but that was simply to get you mobile as soon as possible. By the time we’d found you after your failure to report for transplant, you’d already grown most of a new liver. It had, admittedly, been several days that you’d lain on the floor, so I had you brought here so I could study you.” Lung-Tze cocked his ancient, wrinkly head to one side. “You’re not following

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Aozi Greek Story

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    lizardfolk ruling over the tribe kobolds. The dragon made the lizardfolk in charge of the law(like the heavy work) in the town, village, and tribe, though they didn't to any do of this alone themselves. they had a red dragonborn named Sullasar. her was a crude law holder but a "trusted one". she showed her dominance towards the lizardfolk’s chieftain and from that day on no one questions her actions nor orders. Normally the dragonborn upper class thought the kobolds and lizardfolk weren't so smart

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    where she has been to the Ukraine and to Germany. Well come to find out she had a domvyk a house spirit from the Ukraine and a Klabautermann a german kobold. Still, Abigail doesn’t understand since only Jackaby can see them. Maybe he is a little off. “‘More recently, you seem to have picked up a young klabautermann, a german kobold. By nature kobolds are attracted to minerals, and take on the color of their preferred substance’” (Ritter pg24). Lucky for Abigail, Mr. Jackaby was looking for an assistant

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The TV flashed the commercial I had seen more times than I could count. Various scenes of a fantasy world flitted across the screen while a slightly overdramatic voiceover played up pretty much every trope imaginable. “Imagine a world with infinite possibilities…” A nomadic trading caravan traveled through a desert sandstorm with their wares packed on the backs of strange beasts. “A world of unending adventures…” A group of large, muscular people wearing leather and fur armors with rough looking

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    In the film Bowling for Columbine the contention in this movie is about weapon control. On April twentieth, 1999; two young students by the names of Dylan Kobold, 17 and Eric Harris, 18 do the most destructive secondary school mass murdering in United States history. Dylan and Eric were two student pariahs that went to Columbine secondary school in 1999. Over an entire year, both Eric and Dylan assembled equipment and firearms to get ready for their plans to carry on the mass killing in the secondary

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    As an act of Utilitarianism. In exchange for his protection the town sacrifices a child every year to him. "They were giving their children to me before the Romans came to the Black Forest. I was a god before ever I was a kobold"(Gaiman221). The Narrator shows how Hinzelman sacrifices are immense, like all gods he needs power and sacrificing children is what feeds him. Shadow comes with Hinzelmann in one or more important part. Revealing a dark secret that has been kept

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Short Story

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    but on his way, someone asked him to join their guild. He saw the saddened look of despicable trash of gamers and decided to join the guild. They then went to the first floor with an allied guild. The boss was a minotaur with a giant ax with some kobold minions the guilds start the attack and most of them die but then this player with a rapier starts to attack the boss and does significant damage and then Kirito joins them and defeats the boss and asked the cloaked person their name. Kirito then

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Human Embryos

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    • 5 Pages

    Introduction The concept of altering human genomic DNA has been around for decades, with pioneering studies in the late eighties illustrating the insertion of homologous DNA sequences at defined locations within mammalian chromosomes (Smithies et al., 1985). Only now, are these rudimentary techniques being replaced with rapid, inexpensive, and more efficient tools for genome editing (Zhang et al., 2014). Tools like CRISPR/ Cas9, which, were once a bacterial defense mechanism but have since been

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    The Influence of the Grimm Brother’s Fairy Tales in Modern Society Imagine a young girl playing “dress up” in reenacting her favorite fairy tales such as Cinderella, who marries the prince who rediscovers her by her small shoe size because of this plot they lived “Happily Ever After”. However, not all fairy tales are innocent like Walt Disney created them to be for modern society. In fact, most original fairy tales have gruesome and tragic plots such as the Gimms Brothers version of Cinderella.

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    Good Essays