Award winning professor Carlos Nicolas Flores has put a new perspective in a life of a Mexican-American. The El Paso native has had a successful career as a professor and author, he’s well known for Our House on Hueco, but he’s been recently getting more attention with his lascivious novel: Sex as a Political Condition: A Border Novel. This said novel has placed him in the spotlight as he acquires more interviews and reviews about the book he further discloses information about himself. The interviews
Changes in the Nursing Program Even though Registered Nurses are in high demand, Victor Valley Community College instituted a multi screening point assignment to really weed out applicants that are qualified for the program. “According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), more than 30,000 qualified applicants have been turned away from nursing education programs every year since 2002”. VVC offers an associate program, which would normally be two years long. With numerous test
Community colleges in the United States develop rapidly and have become a vital component of the postsecondary education delivery system. As of 2011-2012 school year, 45% of all undergraduate students were enrolled in public two-year colleges, approximately 8.3 million students (Knapp et al., 2012. Cited by AACC Fast Facts). And it seems that with globalization and Obama’s education agenda, the trend of growing enrollment in community colleges won’t change. A high school graduate who decides to pursue
Tech Prep Although the development and implementation of tech prep education programs have been in process since the initiation of the Carl D. Perkins Act Amendments of 1990, misconceptions about tech prep education still exist. As defined in provisions authorizing Perkins funds for tech prep, a tech prep education program is a combined secondary and postsecondary program that- leads to an associate degree or two-year certificate; provides technical preparation in at least one field
is inevitable. In 1834, Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio was the only institution that did not discriminate in the admission of students due to race or sex (Watson, 1977). This institution admitted four young women into a core curriculum, allowing for Oberlin College to be the first co-educational school of higher education in the country (Watson, 1977). Although the opportunity existed for women to enter the doors of higher education, enrollment in the college did not guarantee equality. Women
Undocumented Student Access to Public Higher Education Elizabeth Fava Florida International University EDH 6055: Access and Choice in US Higher Education Approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants are currently living in the U.S., an estimated 2.3 million undocumented students are in the U.S. K-12 system and yet only an estimated 65,000 graduate from high school (Jauregui, Slate, & Stallone Brown, 2008; Diaz-Strong, Gomez, Luna-Duarte, & Meiners, 2011). Of those 65,000 students
altered missions of community colleges and related impacts on the historical mission of community colleges. The mission of community colleges were intended to serve all individuals with an equal opportunity for higher education access. In this research paper, there will be four guided questions: 1. What was the original mission of community colleges? 2. How has the community colleges mission changed over time? 3. How did the organizational culture impact the community colleges? 4. What are societal
Performance Funding, A Descriptive Study During the years 1979 to 2007, 26 states enacted performance funding (Harnisch 2011). According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, today 33 states use performance based funding as a source of determination for their higher education institutions. Locally, the state of Louisiana is not exempt. According to senate bill 337, the higher education commissioner must submit a proposal for outcome based funding by the end of 2015 to the Board of
in many ways. This study will focus specifically on the effects of globalization on higher education with particular emphasis on the rural community college and the employers served by this segment of the American education system. Globalization is not a new concept in higher education; however, the impact of globalization and its affect on rural communities is becoming more apparent. “The impact of globalization, both in terms of the opportunities it affords and the challenges it presents, is
Having a college education is considered a must for success in the real world and it is an archaic and much believed thought that college education is associated with a successful life. College education is a necessity for living up to the standards of the world and is necessary for shaping a literate and well-informed society. College teaches people things that the real world will probably not hence it becomes obligatory that after passing high school, students need to obtain a college degree. Where