Within the first episode of Twin Peaks, ”Pilot”, we are introduced to a wide array of characters and subplots. The show’s main plot starts when the body of Laura Palmer is discovered washed up on a riverbank, wrapped in plastic. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper is called in and teams up with Sheriff Harry Truman, as he believes there is a connection between Laura’s death and the death of another girl named Teresa
Ever heard of the show ATLANTA? Probably not, on the spectrum of things, it’s a show on FX that not many people knew about. And, if you did it was because Donald Glover was the main star of it. Not to say that is the sole reason why people appreciated and watched the show, but it is a part of the reason why. Glover has not only played a part in COMMUNITY, but directed and produced the show itself. He even has an “alter ego,” as you would call it, called Childish Gambino who raps under the hip-hop
“Laura Palmer” by Bastille// Running Away From Pencey Prep The song “Laura Palmer” by Bastille reminds me of the scene in Catcher in the Rye where Holden ran away from Pencey Prep, thoroughly finished with the “morons” there. Pencey, the last school Holden attended, was full of phonies according to Holden. Although he did not like the people at Pencey, the school provided a generally stable environment for Holden. After Holden ran away from Pencey, he had three days to kill before the start
day to day life but everyone has at least one. I consider it my home it’s where my heart is it is where I can fully relax and become the true Melissa. It brings me peace and tranquility like nothing else in my life can. My secret place and home is Palmer, Alaska. Nothing brings me more joy in my life when I look out the airplane window as the plane flies over the Yukon Mountain ranges. At this part knowing that I am getting closer by the second. When I finally look out the window, and see Anchorage
Richard Powers’ work Gain is a tour de force of whatever it is. I say this, rather than describing it as merely a novel, although that is precisely what it is, because Powers has herein created something more than your typical story. In this work, two seemingly unrelated paths are set on ambagious paths which will ultimately culminate in their intertwining. On one path we are presented with the apotheosis of a specific corporation’s development, and on the other is the idiosyncratic life of an individual
the many difficulties that Tom, Laura, and Amanda face. As such, he burdens the family and ultimately has influence on Tom’s decision to leave them. Williams uses various literary devices to enhance the theme that one must act without pity in order to escape life’s struggles. The Glass Menagerie takes place in St. Louis, in 1937. The main protagonist, Tom, works in a shoe factory, and his only source of enjoyment is writing poetry and watching movies. His sister, Laura, is a crippled woman with little
focus on personal needs. Amanda treats Laura like a child and constantly makes decisions for her, and she and keeps him from enjoying his life. Amanda belittles Laura’s self-ownership which makes Laura immature and helpless as an adult. When the subject of gentleman callers comes up, Amanda addresses Laura, saying, “How many do you suppose we’re going to entertain this afternoon? [...] [reappearing, airily] What? No one — not one? You must be joking! [Laura nervously echoes her laugh]” (Williams
about with what other people think and the fact of just having a blast every time they are able to. When Mrs. Sheridan heard about the death of Mr. Scott she felt pity for a moment, but continued her party arrangements. In contrast, her daughter, Laura, seemed more humane because when her mother thought about giving the party’s leftovers to her neighbors, she felt that it was rude. Therefore, I can see that she feels empathy with the death of Mr. Scott. One of the themes that I can constantly see
Along these lines, The Beast in the Jungle seems to possess a critical position all the while as a story of "time lost and discovered once more," and "time ruled, caught, charmed, surreptitiously subverted better distorted" (Genette, 1980, 160). James' decision for such worldly setting is, indeed, an exhibit of the account's potential for fleeting self-sufficiency. James abuses fleeting conflict as an excellent means for checking past close by present experience (Bahun, 2012). The guests of the party
beginning of the play, Laura sees herself as “crippled” and not “expecting any gentlemen callers,” for she is extremely shy and unconfident. Furthermore, she embodies her collection of glass menagerie, for when Tom hurls his coat across the room “It strikes against the shelf of Laura’s glass collection... [and] Laura cries out as if wounded.” Laura’s action in this scene symbolizes her frailness and how she is a piece of the glass menagerie. Being part of the glass collection, Laura is confined to the