losing hope essay

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    Hope is a very powerful thing and the way you handle it can affect you in different ways. Everyone sees and feels hope differently but it is overall a beautiful thing. Throughout the novel Copper Sun by Sharon M. Draper, Amari tends to lose hope very often from herself and others but mostly regains it. The novel Copper Sun has a very similar theme to the poem, “Hope is the thing with feathers” because it captures the thought of losing all hope but being able to regain it and never letting go of it

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Approximately fourteen million people died during the Holocaust, and losing innocence was just a part of the objectification process. After going through the process and staying alive, innocence would be almost impossible to keep grasp of, considering the fact that once it is lost innocence can never be regained. In Night on page 55, Elie said “He told us that having been chosen because of his strength, he had been forced to place his own father’s body into the furnace." Every time Elie heard something

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  • Decent Essays

    Hope or hopelessness is what drives a person to either give up or to not give up. Throughout Sherman’s writing, he has shown native Americans being hopeless or hopeful. He shows native Americans either going to find hope or losing hope and giving up. In Sherman’s writing, the characters have hope or do not have hope. Generally, Sherman discloses hopelessness is because of society's thoughts and despite that there was hope. Each character had either hope or was hopeless. This is in Sherman's writing

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Everyone needs hope in their lives for the good times and the bad. Hope is an essential part of human life, which is sometimes symbolized into objects. Legend by Marie Lu is a dystopian story about Day, a slum sector teen criminal, and June, a wealthy military prodigy. Marie Lu uses Day’s pendant to symbolize the hope and freedom Day and June yearn for. In the beginning of Legend, Marie Lu uses Day’s pendant to symbolize the hope and freedom that he lost after “failing” his Trials and yearns for

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Most human beings hope for something, whether it be a brighter future or equal rights for all. Hope is the idea that keeps people sane during the darkest moments. Through Frank Kafka’s, “Metamorphosis,” the story of a young man who is turned into a grotesque bug, David Lynch’s film , Eraserhead, and Karl Marx’s “Estranged Labor,” the theme of whether or not hope is reasonable in times of darkness is one of the most prominent amongst all of the three. In “Metamorphosis” and “Estranged Labor,” the

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  • Better Essays

    The Glass Castle Analysis

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    The Glass Castle was a symbol of hope for all of the children, they counted on it for their future; when it was forgotten about by their dad, the hope of a better future faded away along with the hope they had in their father. This book was titled The Glass Castle for at least one main reason. This novel describes Jeannette’s childhood and one of the biggest things that she heard about during that time was from her dad when he said that he was going to build a glass castle for their family. “When

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    “Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.” -President Snow in The Hunger Games. The book Night by Elie Wiesel is a true story about the holocaust. In the story the main character, Elie, experiences terrible things. He is so hopeful that things are going to get better (after all how could they get any worse) and he is so fearful that his last bit of hope will be taken away and he will give up on life. Elie experiences the worst things that we can imagine. How could anyone have hope in such darkness

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  • Good Essays

    The Antidote “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness” (Desmond Tutu). In Isaac Marion’s Warm Bodies, R, an odd and curious zombie, embarks on a unique journey. While on a typical hunting trip at the city, he crosses paths with a girl, named Julie Grigio. After devouring her boyfriend Perry’s brain, the memories of Julie and what she has gone through, spark something inside of R that changes everything. In the novel, R and Julie prove that hope can overcome the

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  • Decent Essays

    Hope affects people’s ideas about their future and how they will achieve it. However, hope can also destroy people inside and out as they realize they can never achieve their dreams. Moreover, hope means people entertain illusions and shows people that part of them is dead because they cannot achieve the person they wish to be. This idea was seen throughout The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian with Arnold’s parents becoming drunks instead of a professor and rock star. Also, hope was lost

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  • Decent Essays

    The Return Short Story

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    Expectations, Hope Change can be the most significant aspect of a person's life, but it can also be the most frightening. When we encounter a location or a person that has been transformed, we are hopeful, but also fearful, to encounter the toll the change has had on them. In the short stories titled "The Return" and "A Marker on the Side of a Boat" the protagonists are absent from a location that is significant to them. Upon their returns, they are disappointed to find that change has swept

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