With the patriarchy existing for thousands of years, one can only assume that it has been rocked more than a few times. But could it be in the ninth-century regarding marriage? Rachel Stone argues in her article that no, it can not be. That even when the patriarchy seemed to be shaken up, the power still remained with the men. This paper will provide a brief summarization and a review of the article, Bound from Either Side’: The Limits of Power in Carolingian Marriage Disputes, To 840–870, authored
Constance Bouchard, the author of Those of My Blood, contrives a well-organized text defining five major ideas that provide the basis of her argument throughout the book. Bouchard clearly examines primary and secondary sources finding conclusive evidence that most of the nobility was emphasized by the male line, however, this does not eliminate women from pedigrees. She also includes in her thesis father-son inheritance was not well-established until the eleventh or twelfth century. She generates
HE ROLE OF DISCIPLINE ON DESTINY FULFILLMENT DELIVERED BY AYOTUNDE OKUNOWO AT THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC ILARO, OGUN STATE TODAY WEDNESDAY 18TH MAY 2011. Chairman of today 's occasion, All academia present, Distinguished old boys, Ladies and gentlemen. 1 Today is indeed a remarkable day. I therefore count it as a great honour to be among you to share some wisdom together. I thank the executive of the club for putting up this kind of forum. This is highly commendable and I salute your outstanding
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Personal hygiene has always been a part of a person’s daily activities but what is really the depth of an individual’s understanding of why personal hygiene should be practiced every day? One’s behavior towards practicing personal hygiene greatly aids in the prevention of diseases; thus, an optimal component to the well-being of people. More studies have also depicted the health benefits of improved hygiene (Fewtrell et al. 2005) Boot and