The lumbar portion of the spinal column is the section that is below both the cervical and thoracic regions. It is also like the cervical portion of the spine where it has a concave curve to it. It is different from the thoracic region of the spine by how they do not form costovertebral joints with the ribs. Also, the lumbar portion does not perform any twisting motions like the thoracic region can. There are a total of five vertebrae in the lumbar region with each vertebrae having three processes
This is a 22-year-old male with a 6/11/2015 date of injury. He reported injuring his lower back, June 11, 2015 while carrying a desk up the stairs to the second story. DIAGNOSIS: Lumbar disc protrusion Lumbar sprain / strain 11/25/15 Progress Report described that the patient has moderate to severe pain in his lumbar spine. The pain is 5-6/10-scale level. It is radiating, to his right leg; associated with stabbing; aching and sharp. There is limited ROM due to pain, with stooping, bending, lifting
Abstract Object Lumbar spine surgery can be performed using a variety of anesthetic modalities, most notably general or spinal anesthesia. The aim of this study was to determine if either anesthetic modality is more cost-effective in cases of lumbar discectomy or laminectomy spine surgery. Methods 542 patients who underwent elective lumbar spine surgery at the University of Pennsylvania between 2007-2011 performed by a single faculty surgeon were retrospectively identified, with 364 having received
REASON CHIEF COMPLAINT: Cervical and lumbar pain. HISTORY The patient is a 62-year-old male with a long history of cervical and lumbar pain secondary to degenerative disk disease and spondylosis. He also is noted to have multiple other problems including a fairly severe left rotator cuff arthropathy which does require surgery on the left. It is important to note that this is important because the patient has been wheelchair bound since 2013 and now has difficulty with ambulation. He also has
This is a 51-year-old female with an 11/4/2013 date of injury, when she slipped and fell on a wet floor landing on her buttocks. DIAGNOSIS: Lumbar Region Pain 01/04/15 Note indicated a request for authorization for Neurodiagnostic Neuromonitoring for the surgery, which sis scheduled on 01/06/15. The procedure codes that will be done include: 95941- Intraoperative Monitoring 95938 - Upper & Lower SSEP 95870 - EMG 1 extremity (4 muscles or less) 95927 - Cortical SSEP4 95861 - EMG2 Extremity (5
Operative Management of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Introduction Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS) affects a significant proportion of people in the population and can cause discomfort, limit activities of daily living, and can lead to significant disability. Even though numerous technological advancements have been made in the treatment of LSS, its management continues to be a challenge for both patients and healthcare professionals. Spinal Stenosis is a condition characterized by either narrowing of the
1. Physical Therapy 3X6 - Spine (Lumbar/Cervical/Thoracic) Regarding Physical Therapy 3X6-Spine (Lumbar/Cervical/Thoracic); CA MTUS supports an initial course of physical therapy with objective functional deficits and functional goals. The claimant has basically whole body pain with limitations in range of motion and tenderness in most all body parts. Medical necessity has been established. However, initial 6 visits are given. Additional requests should include functional improvement, discussion
Lumbar Vertebral Fracture The Vertebral column is an amazing part of the human body. It is made up of many different pieces that all fit together to make something that keeps the body up right, allows movement, supports weight and protects the spinal cord. There are four different segments of the spinal cord. One of those segments is called the lumbar region. The lumbar region consists of 5 vertebrae that make up the lower back (Lippert, 2011). The lumbar region supports most of the body weight and
Discussion The aim of the study was to determine the surgical outcome of lumbar discectomy as a treatment option for lumbar degenerative spine disease. This study evaluated the outcomes after lumbar discectomy for degenerative spine disease at six months post operative period. From the study it is evident that most of the patients benefited from surgery. The ODI questionnaire pertaining to tolerance of pain, well-being, walking, standing, sitting, personal life, social life, lifting, traveling and
Overview of lumbar radiculopathy Lumbar radiculopathy (sciatica)and other types of back pain is one of the most frequent and essential spinal condition that a physical therapist commonly treats. Lumbar radiculopathy is a sciatic nerve root irritation or compression at the lower spine (Fuller & Goodman, 2015). A person with sciatica experiences a sudden pain, tingling sensation and weakness from the lower back radiating through the buttocks, groin and all the way own to the leg and feet depending