Manic depression or Bipolar depression is actually considered as one of the worst type of depression that people usually suffer from. Characterized by sudden and extreme changes in their mood, Manic depression is said to be called as such because manic = mania refers to the 'ups' while depression refers to the 'downs'. A lot of people actually experience erratic changes in their moods, some times, these so-called mood swings may not just be caused by PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) or stress. Doctors
illnesses such as depression and bipolar disorder are diseases. Depression is a mental illness which also makes it a disease; depression affects millions of people. The people it does not affect they think it is not a disease they think it is just something that most people make it seem worse than it is. Depression is a disease for many reasons. Bipolar disorder also known as manic depression is also a mental illness and being that it is a mental illness it is also a disease; bipolar depression has affected
For my research paper, I decided to look into Manic Depression. I have chosen to write about this topic because I have been personally dealing with this disorder since about eight years old. Manic Depression is usually referred to as Bipolar Disorder, but when I tell someone that I am Bipolar, they just think that it means I get angry easily. People seem to take me more seriously when I refer to it as Manic Depression. I used to have to take a wide variety of medications and go to counseling when
MANIC DEPRESSION Estimates say that about 2 and a half million Americans suffer from manic depressive illness. Also called bipolar disorder, this mental illness involves episodes in which a persons mood alternates between extreme mania and depression. A person may experience pressure and racing thoughts and speech, and often uncontrolled reckless behavior. Two thirds of those who suffer from bipolar illness have numerous episodes of recurrences of alternating phases. Most people suffering from
are effective in most cases but if used wrong can cause serious damaged to the mentality of an individual. Manic Depression most commonly called Bipolar Disorder. Manic depression is most commonly diagnosed during a person teenage years. The symptoms are not always easy to identify because they have found that people in different cultures han-dle in different points of views. Manic depression does not just affect the individual
I have Manic Depression. This is not a pity party, this is reality. With that comes an abundance of baggage and difficulties. Often, I am asked what this really is, and how it truly effects me. Life can sometimes feel as if a lead blanket is on top of me, weighing me down and preventing me from even moving. The chemical balance in my brain feels like a father yelling at his child to do something, and my body simply responds with apathy, a yawn towards the world’s responsibilities. Food has always
psychiatrically labeled as Manic Depression. Sometimes individuals have good days or bad days, or just simply feel depressed. This manic depression concept reaches way beyond the trivial aspects of life. Sometimes life itself throws a curve, to the point, where an individual becomes unhappy about things that may lead them to a state of being emotionally depressed, but this research paper will try to highlight the understanding of what is to be mentally manic-depressed. Manic depressive illness is discovered
to home for me, manic depression also known as bipolar depression. This mental illness hits a very touchy spot for, because when I was 14 I was diagnosed with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), as well as manic depression. The form of therapy from chapter 13, I will be discussing is psychopharmacology also known as drug therapy. Manic depression and drug therapy are closely related. Drug therapy is one of the most common treatments for manic depression. What is manic depression and how is it treated
life with manic depression as, “The world of manic depression is a world of bad judgment calls” Manic depression, also known as Bipolar type I is a mood disorder in which the patient has at least one major manic episode. The world of manic depression is the world that Hamlet lives in. With aggressive mood swings and outright unsound decisions, Hamlet has been “diagnosed” by many with manic depression. In William Shakespeare’s “hamlet” the main character Hamlet suffers from manic depression, which is
struggle with manic depression, and help people with a similar struggle in life. Kay says this herself, “I am tired of hiding, tired of misspent and knotted energies, tired of the hypocrisy, and tired of acting as though I have something to hide.” When Kay was in first grade she witnessed a plane crash during recces. She also got to volunteer at the hospital. The doctors would invite her to watch surgeries. Her home life was kind of sad due to the fact that her dad also experienced manic depression