Marching bands

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    12. Skateboarding and marching band might not seem very similar with alike characteristics, but you would be surprised how I train for both of them very similarly. When I go to the skatepark I always am there for over three hours at a time. This means that I have good breath control. If a random person tried skating for three hours they would be passed out on the ground because they would run out of breath. That is the same thing for marching band. In marching band I will be running across the field

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Marching Band Benefits

    • 360 Words
    • 2 Pages

    chess club, cheer squad. Most kids all across America can agree that marching is probably the most join due to how fun it the competition, and the memories many kids make will be unforgettable.The first factor that anyone with two eyes can see is how fun it is. A lot of songs are played and in a lot of genres, funk, rock, hip-hop, R&B, and so many more. A marching bands main purpose is to entertain and some of the things bands directors might do may be a little over the top, like falling on the ground

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Marching Band Lessons

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    • 3 Pages

    as a person. From church Christmas plays to starting band in sixth grade, it’s one of the only things that I have known practically since birth. One of my favorite activities has always been band, and as a freshman in high school I joined the marching band. Little did I know the hard work it would take, the lessons I would learn, or how I would grow to be the leader and person I am today all from three months of dedicated time. Marching band was first presented to me in the eighth grade when some

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  • Good Essays

    Marching Band Reflection

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    • 6 Pages

    high school drama movie, the marching band is depicted as dull and its students are often characterized as outcasts. Being a naive middle schooler who has seen several of these types of movies, I believed every word of it for the longest time. Despite this stigma I had, I still joined our school’s marching band program, and every opinion I had built up about marching band completely changed within a single year. I now know that the decision I made to join marching band completely changed how I would

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  • Decent Essays

    school and junior high marching band. Included in this role, I not only conducted the band, but I energetically gave constructive criticism, provided encouragement, and listened to my fellow band members’ opinions. Relating to John Quincy Adams’ quote, I implemented goals regarding to success for individual band members and the band as a whole, essentially supporting my members to “dream more” and to see the bigger picture. Junior high members who joined our band this marching season were granted the

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  • Decent Essays

    Marching Band Monologue

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    I want to go anymore.” “Ella, I already paid. You’re gonna have to go” “I’m gonna die,” I thought in my head. I’m on my way to my first band camp. I joined my high school’s marching band a few months ago and have been working all summer on my marching and music. Now, one week before my eighth grade year, I’m spending a week at a summer camp with sweaty band geeks. Am I excited? Sure. Am I extremely nervous and feel like throwing up my McDonalds? Absolutely! My mom continued driving down the road

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  • Better Essays

    The flags surrounding the marching band just seem like added colors to the show. The audience always sees the colors of the flags and uniforms and only care about the music and performance of the show. They could also care about the scores if the band competes. Nobody ever thinks twice about the work they put in, what talent they have to have, and what they do after marching band is over with. What happens after marching band is an even more elaborate sport that surrounds flags, other props and the

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    Better Essays
  • Better Essays

    truly thought of the purpose of the marching band? For most people, the marching band at the football games is just there for "decoration." Everyone thinks the band is only there to entertain the fans, but in reality, they are doing so much more. Yes, they are there for entertainment, but the marching band is one of the biggest support systems the team has. For some members of the team, they cannot play well without hearing the band. In high school, the marching band attended every football game, so

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Marching Band Essay

    • 1896 Words
    • 8 Pages

    Square your shoulders! Keep the tempo moving!” This can be heard by directors, in most marching band rehearsals, as the band is racing around the field while playing mentally demanding music. Competitive marching band, the highlight of some high schoolers’ fall season, is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a group of musicians who play instruments while marching together at a parade or sports event” (“Marching Band”). In comparison a sport is defined as “a contest or game in which people do certain physical

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    What do you think of when you hear “marching band?” Something along the lines of nerd, geek, unpopular, awkward, etc. Why is that so? Movies and TV shows portray students in the marching band as nerds that are socially awkward and are only focused on grades. Marching band is challenging, more so than people think it is. Marching band is often portrayed incorrectly on TV shows and in movies; they are not what most people think they are. Marching band requires dedication, determination, skill, and

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    Decent Essays