Maurice of Nassau

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    costly for both governments with the Spanish defaulting on war debts in 1575, but with the dutch unable to exploit their sudden advantage because of a tired and ineffective military. In order to finally reunite the low countries, newly appointed Maurice of Nassau would have to embark on a series of military reforms that could see influence expanded into the landlocked south, away from the comfort of the ocean and waterways of the north. Early military reformers had a great deal of difficulty reforming

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    Military strategy forever had been battles of attrition, men throwing themselves at each other until a winner was determined, this form of battle was replaced in Europe during the 16th and 17th century. The change in military strategy took place mostly in Europe, and the countries at the forefront of this were the Swedish empire and the Netherlands. The Swedes and Dutch changed many military strategies and practices which were in place for thousands of years and changed the standard for militaries

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    Where European military experts, engineers, captains and intellectuals recreated the art of war. Without Military thinkers such as Gonzalo de Cordoba, Maurice of Orange and Gustavus Adolphus the military changes would never have taken place. Maurice of Orange had small units of highly trained soldier in manoeuvres that need many more officers and NCOs to lead them. Gustav Adolf improved fire-discipline and the long practise in arms. Also enforces

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    In War in Human Civilization, Azar Gat asserted that, “Europe experienced a so-called military revolution,” in the 16th and 17th centuries as a result of social, technological, and economic factors. Likewise, historians Williamson Murray and MacGregor Knox affirmed that European militaries experienced revolution during the same period for a variety of other reasons, including the development of the military profession and the disbursement of regular pay. These authors recognized the extensive

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    The Thirty Years War

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    That said, the Thirty Years war can thus be considered as the starting point of the Modern era, as it represents a cornerstone in the history of international relations and in the way states deal with the resolution of crisis. Beyond the remodelling of Europe, the Westphalia treaties erected the seek of a status quo as a paradigm between powers. Further, these treaties have also erected the European sovereign Nation-State as a key principle of international relations, preventing in theory from any

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    WAR FROM THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY TO INVENTION OF GUNPOWDER The invention of the powerful artillery guns would change man 's role in warring engagements. The artillery guns at first were very limited by their own design. The guns were very heavy and had to be transported by water, which meant that only towns and fortresses that were close to a body of water could be attacked with artillery also known as the cannon. There were also some fortresses that were impervious to the early cannon attacks

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    This is an informative essay all about Rene’ Descartes, and if you don’t know who Rene’ Descartes is than I will tell you. Rene’ Descartes was a French mathematician who later became a philosopher. In this paper, you will learn about the famous Rene’ Descartes, through his personal life, contributions to math, and some interesting facts about him. Now you know who Rene’ Descartes is, here is some information about his personal life. Rene’ Descartes was born in

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    “Je pense, donc je suis.” This French philosophical statement means, I think, therefore I am which was written in Rene Descartes’ text, Discourse on Method. In this quote, Descartes has is denying everything he believes in. Meaning, “Regardless of whether or not he is being deceived, or his beliefs are wrong, he is able to see that if he has the ability to doubt something, he must be existing to even doubt it in the first place ((Un) Enlightened English par 3).” Because Descartes can think, it guarantees

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    Humanity has resorted to war as a fundamental way to settle their differences. War, per Clausewitz is the act of force to compel the enemy to do our will. Sun-Tzu believed that war was to subdue the enemy without fighting. However it is defined, every culture has its motives for why they go to war and how it should be conducted. Western states attempt to settle their differences by diplomatic means; when diplomacy fails, war ensues. War is often used as the means to an end and according to

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    Rene Descartes Essay

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    Rene Descartes was a famous French mathematician, scientist and philosopher. He was arguably the first major philosopher in the modern era to make a serious effort to defeat skepticism. His views about knowledge and certainty, as well as his views about the relationship between mind and body have been very influential over the last three centuries. Descartes was born at La Haye (now called Descartes), and educated at the Jesuit College of La Flèche between 1606 and 1614. Descartes later claimed

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