Introduction: The diet coke and Mentos experiment has been a favorite of amateur scientists, but how does it work? There have been debates, and scientists have concluded that the diet coke and Mentos is a physical reaction, called nucleation. Nucleation sites are areas that have high surface with low volume. Such places can be your fingerprint, scratches on glass, specks of dust, or even Mentos candy (Eepy Bird). Mentos candies have a pitted surface that’s rough when looked at through a microscope
MENTOS + SODA = ? Problem: Which brand of soda tested spews the most liquid when three Mentos are doped into a 2-liter of each brand? We know that the reaction between Mentos and soda is an explosion, but what we are trying to figure out is which brand causes the biggest reaction. Hypothesis: If three Mentos are dropped into a 2-liter of Diet Coke, Diet 7-Up, and Dr Thunder, then the Diet Coke will have the largest reaction to the Mentos. Materials: 1 pkg. Mint Mentos candies 2-liter
1. First we put a pack of Mentos. After about 2 seconds. That coco cola erupted. But why it will happen something like boil the coke. 2. 3. Mentos candies are not as smooth as they appear to the naked eye. They are covered in bumpy craters, which increases the total surface area. A Mentos dropped into a bottle of soda acts as a surfactant, meaning it reduces the surface tension of the soda. Water molecules are polar and attracted to each other. Anything that breaks them apart allows for bubbles
wondered what makes Diet Coke and mentos explode and bubble so much? Well here is why it does. There are many reasons why some sodas and colas will not explode as much as other sodas and colas. There is a difference in a physical and chemical reaction when adding in mentos to the different varieties of coke. Researchers have also found different reactions of when submerging mentos into different types of coke. It has also been found on how the parts of the mentos and cokes are broken down to create
MUSI 1004 Term Project A. Video Review on the video of: “The JVC/ Smithsonian Folkways Video Anthology of Music and Dance of the Americas –Volume 4: Music and Dance of the Caribbean” In this video review, I am going to discuss the musical background and components observed in the video about the Music and Dance of the Caribbean from Latin America. On the background of Caribbean music: the Amerindians are the first people that have settled in the Caribbean and thus are the pioneers of Caribbean
The Ferrero Group has a successful and popular product (Tic Tac) that has remained a top competitor in the breath mint industry. They have been able to remain competitive by upgrading their product throughout the years. Tic Tac 's brand recognition began in 1969 and The Ferrero Group started to introduce new flavors in the 1970s. In the 1980s, to keep up with the health craze, they marketed Tic Tac as "The 1 1/2 Calorie Breath Mint". They would also introduce many other flavors over the next 20 years
Who hasn’t heard of the Columbine shooting, where in the spring of 1999 in Littleton, Colorado over a dozen people where killed and many others were wounded at the hands of two students? Or even more recently, who does not know about the Virginia Tech massacre where a single student killed thirty-two people and wounded over twenty more? University of Texas, California State University, San Diego State University, the list of school violence is long and heart-breaking. Students and teachers have lost
Tic Tac is one of the largest breath mint market, which has been there in the industry for more than 50 years now. Their product line is far away the most sold in the world due to their bigger and multiple factories and employees worldwide. As stipulated in the article, in 1969, Tic Tac gave to their customers the catchy jingle which was a huge success. In the 1970s, they extended their product line by adding the cinnamon-flavored red mints and the tangerine-flavored orange mints. The Ferrero group
The scope of this paper is to explain the reaction that takes place when Mentos are dropped into Diet Coke. This experiment is used frequently because of what happens when the candy meets the soda. A geyser is formed that shoots out of the bottle that resembles a volcanic eruption. Due to the similarity, it is also used for volcano projects. Depending on the alterations to the Mentos and/or Diet Coke, the geyser can either go much higher or much lower than normal. This reaction has produced much
caused when a mento is placed in diet coke. Introduction This experiment will discuss the reaction caused when a mento is placed inside a bottle of diet coke. Reactions between substances can either be physical or chemical. A physical reaction is a process that affects the form of a chemical substance, but not its chemical composition. A chemical reaction is a process that involves rearrangement of the ionic or molecular structure of a substance. The reaction caused by the mento dissolving in the