Proposed Mechanisms for the Direct Oxidation of Methane to Methanol The oxidation of CH4 usually progresses to C02 and H20 because the intermediates are a series of highly reactive radical reactions and this makes partial oxidation of CH3 into CH3OH very hard. In addition, CH3OH oxidizes faster than CH4 and requires less energy for its oxidation. Industrial attempts to synthesize methanol from methane is usually done indirectly since the direct methods have low methanol specificity and yield. Current
Hydraulic Fracturing Introduction For this assignment I have chosen to look in to a subject that is in the news media spotlight. The subject is the process of hydraulic fracturing. In this paper, we will learn about this process by answering the following questions. First what is hydraulic fracturing and what is the process used for. Then we will look at the actual process of hydraulic fracturing (how it works). Next we will take a closer look at some of the chemical use during the hydraulic fracturing
In his article, Johnson (2008) satirically expresses opposition to the former UN climate chief suggestion that the whole of human race should shun meat and consider converting vegetarianism, so as to, save earth from climate change. In response to this, Johnson argues that, he is simply not converting to vegetarianism just because the former UN climate chief had asked the whole of the human race to avoid meat. UN-FAO figures propose that, meat production puts more Green House Gases (GHG’s herein
Erin Williams April 30, 2015 Anthropology Edwin Accomando Paging Captain Planet We need a major reduction in human population, stat! Ok, maybe that’s not a viable solution, but it does beg the question; “How many people does it take to break the world?” Currently, there are a little over 7 billion people on the planet and there is already some cause for concern. Overpopulation, extreme weather, and a drought that’s causing a water shortage. Is the abundance of humans the cause or is it simply
gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are heat retaining gases that over time collect in the atmosphere. Some of the most common greenhouse gases that are having a large effect on the rate of anthropogenic climate change are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. When these gases are emitted they cause the atmosphere to become thicker and retain more heat from the sun. The process of these greenhouse gases collecting in the atmosphere is causing the temperature on Earth to increase. The
According to Joseph A. Tainter in the Annual Review of Anthropology, a collapse is defined as “…a drastic decrease in human population size and/or political/economical/social complexity, over a considerable area, for an extended time.”(AOC) With Mr. Tainter’s definition of collapse, I will be focusing on one specific civilization, what led to their falling as a society and elaborate on some theories as to why collapses may occur. The development that I am going to be discussing is the Classic Mayan
possibilities and persuade other companies to participate in sustainability, for eternal impacts. Water funds are innovative, effective solutions for these lasting impacts. Water funds are financial tools, constructed to secure and retain water for every given user in a watershed. These instruments allow innovative ways to minimize costs and reduce the possibilities of water shortage in the future. Coca-Cola has invested in over 50 water funds across 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
In this section, we will look at how each factor was affected by the forcing boundary conditions set in the six experiments we ran. The results section will be organized in sections by factor. Annual Planetary Albedo First we will address results about how annual planetary albedo was affected by altering the forcings in the simulations. Overall, when comparing Control Experiment (Modern Specified SST) to Primary Experiment 3 (Ice Age 21kya run), we observed a relatively higher planetary albedo
by explaining how greenhouse gases contribute to GW through the greenhouse effect and how production of these gases has increased along with rise in global temperatures. Next, it will explain the causes of global warming including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrus oxide (fertilizer) emissions. The strengths and the weaknesses of each cause will be looked at; prompting the conclusion that inflated carbon dioxide emissions are the essential driver. The final segment of the paper will conclude and
This report focuses on advance accounting theory applicable to the Rio Tinto. Report aims to bring the reality vs the claims made by Rio Tinto in serving the community. Non-financial and financial reports has been scrutinized and tested to see the claims made by Rio Tinto are legitimate and fair. Report closely focused on Legitimacy theory, Sustainable development, Social and Environmental Reporting. Different community reach programs developed by Rio Tinto are tested on the grounds of legitimacy