Border regions, as described by the political distribution of lands divided by those who inhabited them, have been a long-time source of unrepresentative and poorer health outcomes. The physical dividing lines between countries are meant to be delineations in cultures and societies that define the responsibility of governmental outreach and human services. However, for example, due to relatively unstable and uncontrolled migration along the Haiti-DR border, along with instability in border, along
The border is the separation of two different countries or as the dictionary defines it, it’s a line separating two political or geographical area. Of course, many like myself when the word” border” is asked to be defined the first thing that encounters one’s mind is the border that separates Mexico from the United States. Perhaps this occurs because of the controversial dynamic behind this separation of countries and the “label” that has been tagged in our Mexicans brothers and sisters. The border
Mexican Border Problems The U.S.-Mexico border region is one of the most dynamic in the world. It extends more than 3,100 kilometers (2,000 miles) from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, and 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) on each side of the international border and is marked by high concrete fences in the west and a broad shallow river in the east when it reaches Texas. The region includes large deserts, numerous mountain ranges, rivers, wetlands
The Role of Mexican-American Border Relations in the Political Process Throughout the 1990’s up until the present, Mexican-American political relations have been very inconsistent in their endeavors to define what the relationship should and will be between the two different countries. The massive influx of Mexican immigrants has commanded attention from the governments of both countries. This has resulted in attempts to make a working partnership acknowledging the fact that the peoples of
The deaths in the border between Mexico and the United states have been increasing rapidly in the past decade. The fatalities have doubled since 1998 due to the increase of borders patrol and border militarization. The result is the redistribution of the migratory flow to more dangerous and remote areas such as southern Arizona. Even though the number of immigrants who try to cross the border has decreased, the number of fatalities continues to increase. Immigrants will not stop coming unless the
The Mexican American War was based around the territorial expansion into Mexican land. However, what seemed like border disputes and land grants actually turned into one of the biggest debates over slavery since America had come about. Though sectionalism and the rights of slaves stayed the same, the Mexican American War marked the turning point of slavery in 1846-1848 through immense changes such as disputes over free and slave states, the Fugitive Slave Law, and the Wilmot Proviso. Although many
respectively bring your attention to the Mexican-American border, its damaging effect on the United States economy, and potential solutions to this specific situation which has become known as the Border Crisis. As you may already know, the border runs from Tijuana, Baja California to Tamaulipas and Texas. According to the International Boundary and Water Commission, the border’s length is 1,954 miles and is the most frequently crossed international border, mainly by undocumented immigrants from Mexico
Human Rights Abuse on the U.S.-Mexican Border Between 1993-97 there was a 72% increase in funds provided to the Immigration and Naturalization Services. The INS has a mobile uniformed division responsible for policing the US-Mexican border called Border Patrol. With such a dramatic increase in just four years it is obvious that the border area is a pressing concern to the US government. The Border Patrol conducts inspections of travelers, regulates permanent and temporary immigration into
Everyone is aware of the ongoing drug war between American border patrol agents who wish to fulfil their duty which is to defend the border and Mexican cartels who seek only to expand their narcotic empire at the United States and Mexican border. The Mexican cartels are often times defined as ruthless outlaws who infiltrate and distribute narcotics into the United States in order to maintain high prices and eliminate competition. Their methods are immoral and executed with ease because of their access
In the US today there are 11.3 million illegal immigrants living amongst us. Would the Mexican border wall be a sufficient solution to help this ongoing crisis? The cost of the wall is the biggest setback at this point. Will the wall provide enough benefits that it is worth the major cost? That is the question people are fighting over. Yes, the cost is very large but there are many benefits as well. The effect this will have on crime is huge. Criminals are sneaking and smuggling illegal substances