Miss Elaine

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    audience. Granted, the story appears to be based or inspired by true events, but it’s still most likely not going to feel satisfying for the audience. They want to see the hero win on some level. There’s an obligated romance between John and Elaine. While Elaine presents as a smart and intriguing character, as structured now the attraction doesn’t feel authentic. It feels as if it’s created as an obligation for the film to include a romance rather than the relationship being genuine. The other concern

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    Narration in The Turn of the Screw Henry James makes the governess the narrator because she keeps the readers’ interest by also being involved in the story as a main character. However, being involved on this personal level, it can make the governess exaggerate at times and be over-emotional. Her determined and curious nature makes her an ideal candidate to explore the mysterious happenings, however her imagination keeps the reader in suspense, as we are never sure how much she has exaggerated

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    from 'Under Milk Wood' and discuss their relationships. In my essay I will talk about the following pairs: Mr Pugh and Mrs Pugh, Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard and Mr Ogmore and Mr Pritchard, Cherry Owen and Mrs Cherry Owen & Miss Myfanwy Price and Mr Mog Edwards. Mr and Mrs Pugh do not have a very good relationship - they don't get on at all. Mrs Pugh is always criticizing and nagging. She says to Mr Pugh that ''persons with manners do not read at table'', and

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    then split up Col. Mustard and I, miss Scarlet and Mrs. Peacock, and Prof. Plum went by himself because Dr. Orchid was not

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    Cement Planter Incident

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    For the past week, I have spent every waking hour trying to figure out an incident that occurred in my front yard: what had happened to a 400-pound cement flower planter, to be exact. On one relaxing Saturday evening in late November 2015, my sister came to visit and had noted our cement planter had been tipped over. With no account of who did this or when it had happened, I delved into the mystery of how this massive planter had tipped over. Before I get into this story, I’d like to point out

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    Sophomore Year Letters

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    you still have a while till you graduate so you still have to try your best. So the classes we will be talking about is English 10 with Mrs. Ladwigs, Speech with Mr. Oakander, Health with Miss Maresh, Spanish 2 with Miss Messerer, Fitness training (weight lifting) with Mr. Worm, Economic and Business Law with Miss Gestring, Geography and American History with Mr. Vanwinkle, Biology with Mr. Carmichael, and Geometry with Backstrom. I am going to give you some tips to help you in those classes. So

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    When I look back on my experience in Maycomb County, I remember the kinds of things people thought of others, just ‘cause they were different, or just ‘cause they didn’t take part in normal things. Arthur “Boo” Radley definitely was one of those people who was judged harshly by “normal” folk. People believed that he was a “malevolent phantom”(8) who committed crimes and “peeped in windows”(9). Even after the real culprit of the crimes was revealed, everyone was “unwilling to discard their initial

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    Trang Nguyen is a 44 year old tailor, barber, nail painter, and is a mom. She was born in Vietnam, Bà Rịa. Mrs. Nguyen grew up wanting to tailor, or tailor teacher. She moved to California, with Mr. Tran, my dad, to live with my grandma and grandpa, who first moved to California.. She went to Evergreen Valley college, and has been sewing clothes since, well I’m not sure, probably since I was born. Her friend offered her a job, to help her sew clothes. They were pretty close friends. She would work

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    the reader see a cheerless place to live, cold weather and a culture of women in the background. The men get the first warmth of the stove without inviting the unimportant ladies to enjoy its warmth. They roam around looking at everything, but miss important clues. Meanwhile, the ladies observe the small everyday things in the room. By stage directions the audience can tell the women in the kitchen are getting more united. After the Sheriff and County Attorney make fun of Mrs. Wright worrying

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    baton for her. We took our normal path, right by Miss Dubose's house and unfortunately, she was out on the porch. "Where are you going at this time of day?" she shouted. "Playing hooky, I suppose. I'll just call the principal and tell him!" She looked like the ugliest thing I had ever seen. Oh, did I ever hate her. "Aw, it's Saturday, Mrs. Dubose," I said. "It makes no difference," she screamed. She went on and on about how Miss Maudie had told her that I had broke her scuppernong

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