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    The Executive Mayor is the political head of the Municipality. The Structures Act defines an Executive Mayor as an elected in terms of section 55 of the Act. Only municipalities of the type that have a mayoral executive system may have an executive mayor. A Mayoral executive system is a system of municipal government which allows for the exercise of executive authority through an executive mayor in whom the executive leadership of the municipality is vested and who is assisted by a mayoral committee

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Nicole: That municipalities, mayors, and council members have the tools that they need to manage their constituents. So when I think about being the Mayor here in Manitou Springs and as unique as we feel we are, for example last night we discussed sexually oriented businesses and we are the only municipality in El Paso County with recreational marijuana, you know a variety of things that we have catered to our own municipality, I would love to be able to turn around on those steps and say that I

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  • Better Essays

    MAYORAL COMMITTEE What do you think the meeting was about – intended objective/purpose of the meeting? Purpose of mayoral committee meeting • To provide effective, efficient and accountable local government for Cape town residents. • To listen to and to value the opinions of the community which it serves, thus enabling residents to be involved in decision making and future development plans which will affect their environment or lives. • To engage in open dialogue with all residents to understand

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  • Better Essays

    informing themselves on civic issues and participating in political affairs.” The defence that this system is better for a council with a citywide focus is also largely false. Royce Koop and John Kraemer found that many councillors in at large municipalities still favour a certain area. When interviewing Councillor Bruce Hayne of Surrey, they were told this by him; “I think everybody has some affinity to the geography of where they live. I live in Cloverdale so I

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  • Good Essays

    Community Meeting Review

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    Community Meeting Review For my project I visited the City of Hesperia’s Official Website and reviewed the April 1, 2014 City Council Meeting which is available to the public on line. The beginning of the meeting started with a call of order then proceeded to the roll call of the board members. After these steps had taken place an invocation was performed followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. I have never heard of a prayer referred to as an invocation and it prompted me to review the words definition

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  • Decent Essays

    Cost-Benefit Analysis

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    Municipalities continue to face more and more challenges for revenue sources and funding many programs as they are downloaded from upper levels of government. Under Bill 26, miscellaneous local revenues is one method of income in the form of user fees and charges, license/permit fees, fines/penalties, special capital levies/development charges and income from investments. These types of initiatives are helpful in relieving some burden but are not the ultimate fix but municipalities need to utilize

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  • Decent Essays

    to sufficiently represent their citizens. The breaking down of government responsibilities varies between countries, but one aspect that no country can agree on is what constitutes a municipality and how much responsibility a municipality should have. Should a city region be split into competing small municipalities, or should there be one municipal government for the entire region? Across Europe following World War II fragmentation due to land reform was favoured (Jurgenson, 2016, p. 34) whereas

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Due to the fact that many municipalities have different needs for their communities they need to communicate those needs to the province in order to get what they need. The textbook discusses the importance of these consultations because communication is the only way the province is going to be able to meet the demands of the municipality. Even though the province is seen as having more power they need to be able to provide the right support, therefore the municipality needs to take responsibility

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    States also have the authority to delegate their police powers to Municipalities. Pennsylvania 's Constitution, states that a “municipality which has a home rule charter may exercise any power or perform any function not denied by [this Constitution], by its home rule charter or by the General Assembly at any time”. Thus the City of Philadelphia draws its police powers from the state in the same way states draw their power from the Constitution. Section 5-300(a) of Philadelphia’s Home Rule Charter

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  • Decent Essays

    The privatization of municipal solid waste is a process by which municipalities decide to contract with private organizations for the collection and processing of societal waste. President and CEO of Brolin Enterprises which provides contracting services for pipeline maintenance, tank services, erosion control, vacs & trucking, one-call monitoring, right of way clearing, pig tracking, and emergency response believes municipalities should be more open to privatization of collection services (Begley

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    Decent Essays