Introduction I observed at five different schools this semester, each with its own distinct school culture and student body. In this paper I will discuss my ideal classroom within my ideal school. I will talk about how the schools I observed affected my choices for how I designed it. I will explain how my ideal school is in accordance with the 12 Dimensions of School Climate. Observations I observed Ms. Thompson’s environmental science and biology classes at E-STEM High School. The school has
discovered, developed, evaluated, compared, and applied. A course within my ideal honors college will celebrate the diversity of the students who participate in the class, support the interests of each student, and challenge the limits of the traditional classroom.
teaching? One of my best qualities for teaching is my determination and patience. If something does not go to plan, I am disappointed for a moment, but I am quick to come up with a new plan to try. I think this will be especially useful in the classroom, especially since each day might not be a great day. I am confident that I will be able to take on the challenge and work to provide the best instruction possible for my students (even if it means foregoing my original plans!) I also think my patient attitude
The Ever-changing Classroom – Managing the Intangible Over the years, much has changed in regards to effective classroom pedagogy. Countless revisions to the once tried and true methodologies of a past age litter the literary practitioner’s textbooks, giving way to an abundance of amendments to strategies no longer pertinent within the ever changing world of high school education. With every new addition to the teaching arsenal come a slew of radical and innovative perspectives and philosophies,
This course offers students wishing to gain entrance into the teaching profession the information necessary to assist them in properly conceptualizing their future classrooms. At the beginning of this semester, my focus was on kindergarten students, but after taking this course, in addition to Engaging Multicultural Students and Families, I hope to teach upper-elementary age students. I believe that the tactics I have learned from these courses will be best implemented with 3rd, 4th, or 5th graders
The image I created is what I imagine as a future educator my classroom will look like. It is similar to my Kindergarten teacher and later mentor’s classroom layout. Although it is similar with the physical elements I added aspects that supported brain base learning for my future students. Ideally this was created for a classroom of first grade students. The first aspect I created was the rectangular rug in the center of the classroom. This piece has multiple purposes. It could be used for instruction
their cultural beliefs and child-rearing standpoint. When this foundation of trust and understanding is established, then teachers will be much more successful in both meeting the needs of their families and the NAEYC ethical ideals. The NAEYC code of ethics are a set of ideals that help to engage families and understand
Assignment 3- Draft 2 As I spend more time in the classroom each week, I find myself realizing more and more about my personal feelings on classroom management. When I compare my opinions and feelings on classroom management, I see connections between my beliefs and those represented by all three of the behavioral theorists we have been studying; Lee Canter, Linda Albert, and Alfie Kohn. While each of these theorists have varying opinions on how to manage students, I feel that they all have important
that human are basically good and that if let to develop in a nurturing environment, we would grow into self-responsible and noble creatures. I believe that acts such as selfishness are definitely learned behaviors. Therefore, I think as my approach to classroom management, I would adopt the approach of a “nurturing” supporter. I believe the role of teacher is someone
school life, then it leads to a magnificent work life and family life. Therefore, the ideal learning environment should be combined with teamwork, should be interesting enough that attract students have passion on, should be learning in a positive climate, and should be provided multiple materials. I believe that one plus one greater than two which means teamwork always is the most important learning aspect in the ideal learning environment. The work did with a team always had more effective results