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    options to choose from including naan and dessert. I did not hesitate. I took a little bit of everything until my plate was full. I then proceeded to cover the plate with several pieces of garlic naan. The food was simply delicious. It ranged from every level of spiciness without being so spicy that it killed the taste. My favorite dishes were a spiced zucchini dish and the Aloo Mater which is a potato and green pea dish with a perfect blend of Indian spices. Also, the naan was extraordinary; soft and

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    K Naan Immigrants

    • 1847 Words
    • 8 Pages

    What do we Americans know about immigrants and their place in the United States? When I think about this subject, I remember these lines from K’naan’s feature song titled, “Immigrants, (We Get the Job Done)” from the Hamilton Mix Tape: “You can be an immigrant without risking your lives or crossing a border with thrifty supplies. All you got to do is see the world with new eyes.” The Somali-Canadian poet K’naan, sends a message signaling to American people that despite multi-cultural influences

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    Better Essays
  • Good Essays

    Since the day the new king was born it hadn’t stopped raining. The World of Naan was entering its eighth summer without a day of clear sky. The weather was cooler than usual and not much grew. Occasionally, there were weeks when the normal deluge lessened to a light drizzle, but clouds shadowed the land. The relentless rain made the soil so muddy that tree roots had lost the ability to hold the ground and were easily toppled by tired winds. It was even hard to travel. Both the lives of horses and

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    K Naan Thesis

    • 594 Words
    • 3 Pages

    K’naan, a Somali-born Canadian rapper, uses his music to highlight the problems of his birth country. Through elements of jazz music and ethio jazz beats, K’naan uses his platform to raise awareness for the problems that plague Somalia. K’naan grew up in a civil war-torn Somalia. His music often reflects the struggle of a child living through the horrors of war. Starting in 1986, the Somali Civil war has cost the country 300,000 to 500,000 casualties and has displaced more than 1.1million people

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Ja Naan Case Study

    • 265 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Ja’Naan is a pleasant individual with a strong background in a large distribution and warehouse environments. She is currently with Quemetco as a Shipping & Receiving Clerk mostly responsible for quality control. She scales the inventory on every truck, checks batteries, fills out reports, checks for damages before shipping, handles bills of lading, and works with the dispatchers. There is no opportunity for growth and she works second shift which doesn’t allow her time to go back to school. Prior

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Unit 3- Called to be Just Summative Assignment: Social Justice Rocks The song "Wavin' Flag" by K'naan, addresses the issue of poverty and hardships during times of war. The singer is saying that one day, things will be better, and although today he's living in a land reduced to rubble, not knowing when he'll get his next meal, tomorrow will be brighter. It is a song of hope, faith, and coming out stronger when you go through the worst. This song addresses Jesus' teachings in Luke 18:24-25

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    vegetarian friend to a restaurant and eat non-veg, you know how the reaction would be, LOL. But today, what we are going to discuss is capable of giving vegetarians a heart attack. How often have you visited a VEG RESTAURANT and ordered manchow soup or naan or a salad and thought that you are having vegetarian food? What if you were told that some foods you are having regularly are not even Vegetarian? Shocked? Yes, this is true. Have a look at the list of veg foods that are actually non-veg. 1. Manchow

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    usually try. I decided Indian for the reason that I love spice in food and the spice that the Indian culture uses in their food should really compliment the food. The restaurant that I found was called Taco Naan, which combines cultures and serves food that cater to Mexican and Indian cultures. Taco Naan is a small restaurant that is located next to Chicken Express and an Exxon gas station off of Denton

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Two Fat Indian Restaurant 166 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne Phone: 0394191866 E-mail: Two Fat Indian Table of content Executive summary………………………3 Introduction…………………………………3 purpose………………………………..3 scope……………………………………3 Methodology………………………..3 Situational Analysis……………………..4 Marketing Analysis………………4 Marketing Strategies…………….4 Company Summary…………………….4 Product Overview………………….5 Environmental Analysis…………5 Customer Analysis………………...5 Competitior

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    The Tajiks of Afghanistan The country of Afghanistan has gone through decades of war but still has much history to it, such as the many different ethnic tribes it has. Afghanistan holds many ethnic tribes including Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, Turkmen, and many other minorities. After the Pashtuns, The Tajiks hold up 27% of the population but their way of life, their history, and their unique food makes them very different from the rest of Afghanistan. Afghans of Tajik ethnicity usually

    • 357 Words
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    Satisfactory Essays