National Doughnut Day

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    am not sure why living deliberately made this happen, but it did. I also tried to do things that would benefit me, instead of being on my phone 24/7. I feel as there is a strong correlation between phone use and living deliberately for me. These two days felt longer and I believe that I got more done because I had this mind set. After having the mindset of doing everything with a purpose, I have realized I like this way of living and will continue, and try my hardest, to have this mindset over summer

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    beautiful she is and inviting other magical creatures to her castle. Dressed in pink satin dress, holding a star-shaped wand, she marched down her own runway every day. By the time the elf queen reached the age of eight, she started

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    How to Make an Effective Business Apology Whether it’s a missed deadline, a flawed product, or a billing error, somebody got injured, and even if the offending party is savvy enough to acknowledge the gaffe, there’s far more to an effective apology than just, “Whoops! Sorry.” When your turn to beg pardon arrives, here are the five steps to follow in completing an effective apology: FIRST, OWN THE PROBLEM This is your bad. Even if it was a representative or underling who blundered

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    Stolen Generations Speech- Ashley Condon The Stolen Generations is a term that is well known by nearly every Australian Nationwide. They were the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders that we forcibly removed from their families whilst still children. The removals of these children occurred between 1909 and 1969. It is unknown how many suffered this but it is estimated to be around 100,000. The children were generally taken by Australian government officials or State and territory authorities

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    communicated through a non-aboriginal woman, despite the political arrogance at the time. However, In the light of what today symbolises, let us explore the hidden meaning behind Fletchers motivation, which helped mole the true significance of NAIDOC Day. Through the significant use of repetition, the Sorry Song is able to effectively communicate Fletcher’s message, in a much more engaging and notable manner. This, evidently, implants in us the spirit of reconciliation, as the text expresses its views

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    ‘The Sapphires’ by Wayne Blair was the trigger that led my research into the effects of the Stolen Generation on Aboriginals in Australia. This film is about an Aboriginal singing group who want to make a name for themselves, but find it difficult because of the racism against them. This film also tells the stories of their cousin Kay, who was a half-caste and was stolen from her Aboriginal family at a young age to be taught the ways of white people, and forget her culture. This film made me realise

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    In her book Women, Men, and Politeness (2013), Holmes analyzes the differences in politeness between men and women when it comes to each gender’s use of language. According to Holmes (2013), apologies are perceived as negative politeness devices used in order to restore social relations after an act of wrongdoing. This applies to the genderlect theory because of the difference in styles of men and women’s language. The theory suggests that women presume a relational approach in which they seek to

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    First signed in 1952 by President Harry S. Truman, National Prayer Day was recognized and celebrated on the first Thursday in May. In honor of this monumental event, residents of Blythe joined in with millions of people around the country on May 4, to call humbly before God, seeking his guidance for local, state and federal leaders and current issues. Asking for God’s grace to fall upon this lost world, members of the community opened up the program with prayer, followed by singing, “America The

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    happened in this past week. The results of the personality and values test. How the StoryCorp interview got me closer to my mother. What I learned about the photographic work field in my informational interview. The online programs I plan to use for my 21-day APP project. How I hope this class will help my growth as a person. Summary of Key Findings from Interest, Skills, Values and Personality Surveys I generally try to be kind to others and I greatly enjoy making people laugh. I would like to incorporate

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    Apologies are very important and quite powerful in societies. People vary in how they view apologies, specifically, children compared to adults. Children and adults are very different considering their emotional development and it plays a large role in how they view apologies. Previous research on apologies targeted adults, so there is not much known on how children view them. This is why Smith, Chen, and Harris (2010) conducted a study focusing on how children view apologies on an emotional level

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