Nucleic acids

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    analyze the pH of a mixture of a strong base and weak acid. The purpose of the guided-inquiry lab was to analyze the concentration of sodium carbonate by titrating the substance using a nitic acid solution. Introductory Activity 5 mL of both 0.2 M ammonia and 0.1 M acetic acid were placed in separate test tubes and their pH was determined with pH paper. A mixture was created by pouring both together and its final pH was recorded. The strength of the acid and base was determined and whether the two had

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  • Decent Essays

    Nucleic Acids

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    Stanford University STUDIES! Nucleic Acids, extremely complex molecules produced by living cells and viruses. Their name comes from their initial isolation from the nuclei of living cells. Certain nucleic acids, however, are found not in the cell nucleus but in cell cytoplasm. Nucleic acids have at least two functions: to pass on hereditary characteristics from one generation to the next, and to trigger the manufacture of specific proteins. How nucleic acids accomplish these functions is the object

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  • Decent Essays

    types of biomolecules, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Carbohydrates are large chains of sugar found in food and living tissues. This includes sugars, starch, and cellulose. They have the same ratio of hydrogen and oxygen that water has, 2:1. They are broken down to release energy in the animal body. Lipids are any organic compounds that are fatty acids and don’t dissolve in water but do in organic solvents. Fatty acids can be found in natural oils, waxes, and steroids. Proteins

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  • Good Essays

    Sania Tahir TITLE: Biologically Essential Molecules: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids ABSTRACT: In this lab, we are identifying carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids via biochemical tests. In order to identify reducing sugars, we performed Benedict’s test. Aldehydes and ketones reduce weak oxidizing reagents such as the cupric in Benedict’s reagent. Positive tests are indicated by a green to red color and this was true because we found reducing sugars and

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Nucleic Acid Measurements

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    Lecture 8 Nucleic Acid-Based Measurements Text Chapter 13 Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Total community DNA • Extract DNA from soil – – – – remove cells from soil separate cells from soil lyse cells separate DNA from cells – purify DNA • Extract DNA from soil – Extract DNA from cells in presence of soil • Bead-beating • chemical or enzymatic treatment – Sodium dodecyl sulfate or lysozyme Wednesday, July 24, 2013 DNA purification • Cesium chloride gradient centrifugation • Kits

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    proteins, fats, and nucleic acids are enzymes responsible for the chemical digestion of each of the macromolecules. Polysaccharides are secreted by carbohydrates in the small intestine and is produced by the pancreas with monosaccharides. Proteins break down to amino acids that get secreted first by the stomach and finish the process in the small intestine. Fats are secreted by small intestine and the process of the conversion of fats is monoglycerides and fatty acids, nucleic acids are broken down to

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  • Decent Essays

    combined with no added PO43-, to select for and isolate GFAJ-1 of Mono Lake. Their data (from ICP-MS, synchrotron x-rays, NanoSIMS, etc) showed As-dependent growth by GFAJ-1 that was accompanied by AsO43- uptake and assimilation into biomolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, and metabolites). By using As as a selective agent and excluding P, it was shown that GFAJ-1 is not an obligate arsenophile and grew much better when provided with P. Also, GFAJ-1 coped with the instability of AsO43- esters due to poly-β-hydroxybutyrate

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  • Decent Essays

    Essay On Immunoglobulum

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    to combine with microfluid chip-based system. Using the approach of the magnetic field to immobilize the desired target now is became very prevalent in, in-vitro selection process. This technique provides a simple and easy separation of binding nucleic acids by using the magnetic beads to immobilize the desired target and threw away the non-binding library by washing. The magnetic beads capture can be by uploading it to the microfluidic device channels by miniaturization and referred to as M-SELEX

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  • Decent Essays

    DNA originated from the nucleic acid structure, and it stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Did you know that a fruit fly has four pair of chromosomes, while a rice plant has 12, and a dog has 39? In addition, I did not know how chromosomes were first discovered by “Scientists looking at cells under the microscope first observed chromosomes in the late 1800s. Researchers gained a much better understanding of chromosomes in the early 1900s through Thomas Hunt Morgan’s pioneering studies. Morgan made

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Carbohydrates, Proteins, lipids, and nucleic Acid Lab Exercise 6 Date: 9/17/12 Bio 102-11 Purpose the purpose of this experiment was to perform test to detect the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Explain the importance of a positive and a negative control in biochemical test. Use biochemical test to identify an unknown compound. Background Most organic compounds in living organisms are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids they are called macromolecules

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    Decent Essays