Ocean Essay

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    The Oceans Of The Ocean

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    Oceans are bodies of saline water that make up for much of the Earth’s hydrosphere. Approximately, oceans cover 71% of Earth's surface and 90% of the Earth's biosphere. There are five oceans that cover our globe- Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern or Antarctic and Arctic. In spite of all the water surrounding us, we know very little of the oceans and the life within them. The mysteries are awe inducing as well as leave you in fear. 1. Unknown sounds. In 1997, NOAA hydrophones picked up one of the

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  • Good Essays

    Ocean pollution is one of the most urgent issues in our world today. The ocean is crucial to our ecosystem and it is being severely damaged at an alarmingly increasing rate. In this paper I will educate about the role the ocean plays in our beautiful Earth, why it is being so widely ignored and dismissed, the causes of pollution, and its effects on animals and humans alike. Since the beginning of the human race, people have flocked to the ocean. The largest civilizations were built in fertile, coastal

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    Ocean Pollution Ocean pollution kills marine life everyday and damages the ocean in many ways that sometimes can't be fixed. The real question is where does it all go? Much of it ends up on our beaches washed in with the waves and tides, some sinks, some is eaten by marine animals mistaking it for food. The majority of pollutants going into the ocean come from activities on land. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), land-based activities are responsible for as much as 80

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  • Decent Essays

    responsible for it. Oceans is a place where many organism lives. As they considered a main source of food, and any defect to the ocean will be a danger for these marine animals and so will affect our life. Human’s activities such as burning fossil fuels threaten water quality. Since CO2 is the main product of such an activity. CO2 dissolving in sea water forms carbonic acid; this process is called ocean acidification. About 25% of human-generated CO2 is absorbed by the oceans (1). If these trends

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  • Decent Essays

    Humans have caused much damage to the ocean life. Moreover, individuals think that the ocean’s resources are limitless and do not ever think to themselves that something can be gone in the blink of an eye. Hearing scientists and researchers talk about extinction or water pollution, makes humans feel guilty for their actions. There is no water, chaos will start. If that were to happen, then there would not be fish to eat, and the ecosystem will be out of balance. Future generations would not get to

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Marine Pollution How does the ocean look without pollution and with pollution? Well, this exhibit that I created to focus on the creatures of the ocean and the way oceans look the awning beauty of it. Then how the ocean looks after pollution is created and is put in the oceans waters and the effect of this. The oceans I will be focusing on being the Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Oceans. Showing finally, how this beauty can be taken away so easily, giving us a before image, then an after

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    Introduction: Oceans cover approximately 75% of Earth 's surface and are vital to this planet and the people who inhabit it. Oceans provide food, natural resources, and recreation for nearly everyone in this world. Unfortunately Oceans have been receiving mass amount of pollutants including oil spills, toxic waste dumping, and industrial dumping. These pollutants will have negative impacts on the wildlife in the ocean, as we are seeing already with the Coral Reefs, and soon enough it will begin

    • 1986 Words
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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Ocean acidification (OA) is a global threat because 25% of carbon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed into the ocean and it decreases its pH value. Through the process of OA, the amount of carbon molecules taken in create an unbalance in the waters’ acidity level. The oceans’ chemistry can try to find equilibrium by joining the extra carbon molecules with those of oxygen, but there will not be copious oxygen molecules to be paired up with the carbon molecules. Turning the oceans’ water solubility more acid

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  • Good Essays

    Ocean Pollution. Can you predict the outcome of food or medicine resources if ocean pollution is not prevented or minimized? Throughout this research paper the different categories of pollution will be explained more in depth. Also there will be ideas or things we can all do to minimize ocean pollution and stop causing so much stress to the ocean’s ecosystem. It will also specify the importance of minimizing pollution in the ocean and how much damage it can cause. The ocean 's ecosystem is under

    • 1348 Words
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  • Decent Essays

    sights that the ocean puts on for visitors is nothing short of spectacular, and underwater destinations all around the globe feature these sights. Reefs have become a popular tourist attraction all around the world because of the beautiful colors and the unique marine life that inhabits these reefs. However, these wonderful attractions are in peril and will remain so unless current trends change. The greenhouse gases humans release into the air are trapping heat and causing the ocean temperatures to

    • 1751 Words
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