Online Community After searching through various online communities, I finally found one that looked very interesting and informative to me, I chose an online community in which I would not only gain helpful information and advice, but I could also communicate with people who are interested in the same topic as I am. I knew right away that it was a community rather than just a typical webpage that someone had made. A community has places where people can post messages on
The Health Belief Model is commonly used for health promotion and health education. Its’ underlying concept is that health behavior is explained by perception of the disease and the strategies available to lower its occurrence. There are four perceptions of the HBM, which are perceived seriousness, perceived benefit, perceived susceptibility and perceived barriers. In addition to that, more constructs are added to health belief model that includes motivating factor, cues to action and self-efficacy
Health Education Intervention Multiple approach to community health (MATCH) model, which was introduced by Simons-Morton, Greene and Gottlieb in the late 1980s, is considered to be very comprehensive and extensive for practical analysis. The model is not very popular among many scholars thus making it not much available in many texts. However, the paper is concerned about the reasons that make it the most preferred method of public health education intervention in the case of substance abuse (Simons-Morton
The aim of this research is to understand the impact of brand communities embedded on Social Networking Sites on brand commitment. The causes and consequences of this commitment would be studied and the field research would be conducted on multiple samples as we plan to prove that different types of brand categories elicit different responses in this context. INTRODUCTION It has now been established that brand communities are a privileged link between companies and consumers. Their impact on
When looking at how online forums effects civility, Papacharisssi (2011) suggest viewing technology as an architecture which blurs the line between public and private spaces. Online discussions merge the social, cultural, political, and economical into merging yet fragmented spaces. With this framework, the presents of civility or incivility should be viewed as a dependent of the context of the topic and website (Coe et. al., 2014; Herbst, 2010). Reader (2012) argues that incivility may be a reflection
Online Communities - Chat Rooms and Discussion Boards To those who have never experienced an online community they may seem pointless, a waste of time or simply childish. However, for those that have expanded beyond the traditional means of communication such as, talking on the telephone or conversing face-to-face, online communities offer a new and exciting means of communication. They offer a chance to meet others, gain advice, voice an opinion, defend an argument, or to simply relax and have
Technology In the following paper I am going to attempt to discuss the hindering effects of technology. How technology affects the laziness of our children, desensitizes our otherwise compassionate human race, and may eventually lead us to our doom. Also in this paper I will attempt to discuss some benefits of modern technology as relating to family and communal prosperity. Since the invention of Eli Whitneys cotton gin back in the 1800s men have had their brains full steam ahead on the idea
Explosion of Interest A community can be defined in many ways. The most basic definition is a group of people sharing common interests, thoughts, beliefs, or values. Today's fastest growing and most diverse communities are those experienced through the Internet. In the article "Everyone's a Critic," Richard Lacayo describes the many communities where people can express their feelings on books, movies, music, and restaurants. His representation of online communities can be shared with that of Amy
psychological space to simply vent or act out their fantasies and the frustrations, anxieties, and desires that fuel those fantasies.” (Lopez-Martinez, 2001) This shows that we occasionally repress our true feelings and fantasies. Therefore, we go online and feel comfortable in expressing our feelings and fantasies. Cyberspace is more of an “opportunity to better understand themselves, as a path for exploring their identity...” (Lopez-Martinez, 2001) It is clear that cyberspace is limitless and this
descent quality are included, with the exemption of one. Most importantly, the intent of this study is stated through the word ‘purpose.’ There is also a focus on one sole concept which is the “development of social and affective relationships in an online learning and their influence on [the learning processes and outcomes of the students]” (Wang, 2005). The manner in which the writer’s observations and research has been conducted is indicated through the use of the action verb to ‘explore.’ Yet another