Materials and Methods MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective clinical study was conducted in Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, from April 2014 to October 2016. 40 healthy patients requiring surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars and fulfilling inclusion criteria were included in the study out of which 23 were males and 17 were females. The nature and number of the diagnostic investigations required, the clinical procedure
Have you or someone you know had wisdom teeth surgery? Then they were under the care of an oral and maxillofacial dental surgeon. The expert team of Blue Ridge Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Fishersville, VA has been performing state of the art oral surgery for over 40 years and are here to explain the profession. What is an Oral & Maxillofacial Dental Surgeon? An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is an advanced dental care provider with specialized training that allows them to perform a variety
of oral surgery, even if it’s a routine procedure like wisdom teeth removal; however, at SoundView Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in New London, Connecticut, Dr. Ross J. Sanfilippo, DMD, ensures all of his patients are comfortable and relaxed before their procedure begins. Dr. Sanfilippo is an oral surgeon, which means he underwent several years of additional training after becoming a dentist so he could perform surgery on the mouth and jaws. While dentists can successfully extract teeth, oral surgeons
I am a Saudi Arabian Dentist, whom is graduated in 2012. After graduation, I worked in a private clinic, and then I moved to the Ministry of Health. I served in many positions; as a general dentist, oral & maxillofacial surgery resident trainee, and currently as a solo oral surgery resident in the hospital I work in. Recently, I've been accepted as a teaching assistant in King Abdulaziz University, and I'm entitled for a scholarship. I have had the pleasure to work with past residents; I have been
who has already acquired insight of the world from the other side, the side where all of the talented men dwell. A young girl does not grow up dreaming of becoming an oral surgeon; she dreams of traveling and seeing the world outside of the walls of her small town. I had already had my fair share of adventure, having more surgeries than my mother had by the time I was three months old. I had what specialists call Van der Woude Syndrome. Basically, I was the 1 in 100,000 babies in the world who happened
need the opinion and expertise of a specialist. Oral Surgery Associates in Anchorage specializes in maxillofacial and oral surgical procedures, including dental implants and teeth extraction. The surgeons provide the care you, your family, and your community need. oral surgery Oral health is paramount to your overall health, and most likely we’ll all need some care at some point. With that in mind, it’s best to be informed. Here are some common oral health problems adults encounter and preventative
undergoing maxillofacial surgery. We were able to achieve a calm, sedated and cooperative patient with preserved airway reflexes and respiratory drive and minimal haemodynamic wavering in both cases. Procedural sedation using dexmedetomidine and ketamine infusion was successfully used as an alternative technique for providing anaesthesia that confers analgesia, while preserving patients airway reflexes and respiratory drive. Introduction Airway management in patients with maxillofacial fractures
Smoking and dental implants do not go hand in hand. In fact, individuals who smoke and choose to obtain a dental implant find they are at higher risk of infection following oral surgery and the oral surgery recovery time increases. These are only two things a smoker must be aware of when it comes to choosing the appropriate option for replacing a missing or failing tooth. However, individuals should not be surprised by this, as smoking has been shown to have numerous negative health effects. Why
Results There were 216 (44.4%) patients in our 486 patient cohort with acute fracture diagnosed on maxillofacial CT. Of those with facial fracture, 164 (75.9%) were male, and the average age was 42.5 years (range: 18-90). Table 1 demonstrates the most prevalent injury mechanisms for those with facial fracture. Orbital fractures were most common, seen in 115 (53.2%) patients with facial fractures, followed by maxillary and nasal bone fractures (Table 2). Injury Severity Score (ISS) was recorded for
in Dental Implant Surgery Biomodulated with Laser Therapy: A Split Mouth Study Running title: Pain in laser biomodulated dental implant surgery keywords: Laser – biomodulation – biostimulation – pain – implant Authors: Ali Fahd1, Mushira Dahaba2, Mohamed Khalifa3, Hanaa El-Shenawy4 and Yousef Abd-ElGhaffar5 1, Assistant lecturer, Oral and maxillofacial Radiology department, Faculty of oral and dental medicine, South Valley University, Egypt 2, Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department