CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. PROBLEM STATEMENT In the society that is developing with every passing day, making oral presentation and doing group work have become basic skills serving for not only studying and teaching but also students’ future jobs in many areas. There is no denying that making oral presentation skills have great significance. There are two main aims of oral presentation as the following: giving information and persuading the audience about the opinions or ideas in specific topics
How many times have you crossed your fingers in class with a racing heart, hoping that the next assignment wouldn’t be an oral presentation? What about sweaty palms and those butterflies you feel in your stomach right before it’s your turn to present, ever felt those? I certainly have, and that crippling anxiety along with the fear of rejection that you have to deal with when speaking in front of an audience is exactly why I believe students shouldn’t be forced into that situation just to receive
Oral Presentation 03: reading a text and talking about a topic The purpose of this paper is to give a summary of my last oral presentation which had two different parts: reading a short text and talking about a topic. All of this had to be done for a minimum of three minutes to a maximum of five. Once this was done the rest of the students and the professor were invited to ask questions or comment any possible thing that needed further explanation. Reading a short text and talking about a given
he oral presentation of Tartuffe was a very effective way to learn about the culture and history of the Enlightenment Era, as well as receive insight into how and why Moliere wrote about certain topics. My knowledge on this era was very limited, it was not something I had ever learned about in full depth at school, therefore my group members and I all had to look up information on the time period. Once we had learned what the Enlightenment was, when it was and who were the major impactors of the
The topic of marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use is the focus of my oral presentation. I began with a hypothetical question before outlining the contention and topic of my oral presentation. Through doing so, the audience were able to form their own opinion with my implemented bias without having any previous opinions on the topic. I proceeded this with a statement in terms of what many of the audience will most likely instinctively think about the topic in an attempt to shut out any
Dylan, I liked reading your DB post you stated some interesting facts. Abortion was first made legal in 1973 by the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, and since then nearly 59 million pre-born babies have been violently destroyed; all have been denied the most basic of all rights, the right to life. We must protect these innocent lives. Our Declaration of Independence calls this an unalienable right. I don't think abortions should be legalized. Most of us don't think of fetuses as persons. I don't
participated in a group with three other memebers Bianca Brattoli, Despina Stratos and Chloe Kalleske. I had chosen to do the introduction for my groups oral presentation and to prepare the presentation PowerPoint. My other group members, Bianca presented a work conflict, Despina presented a personal conflict and Chloe had concluded our presentation. When it came to working together as a group I think we got along well with each other. I also felt comfortable providing ideas and helping out my group
I am the father of Shane Helling. After speaking with Shane’s general classroom teacher and EBT instructor, we decided that reaching out directly with our question and information would be the best course of action. I have copied them on this email in order to streamline communications. Shane Helling is on the autism spectrum, which makes it difficult for him to be remarkably social and focused. That being said, Shane is an excellent percussionist and performer. Shane has been playing the drum-set
Euthanasia is the deliberate act of putting an end to a patient’s life for the purpose of ending the patients suffering. But can it ever be right to kill patients, even with the intent to ease suffering? To kill patients, even with the intent to ease suffering, is considered homicide. Over the past years euthanasia has been defeated and become illegal in every country besides Netherland and Belgium. I am afraid that if euthanasia could have been legalised in those two countries, it’s a matter of
of confidence. Speech is the one of the type of oral communication. What is oral communication? Oral communication implies communication through mouth. It is a vital part of life in relationship, education, and careers. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, discussions are