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  • Decent Essays

    Introduction: Last week, a couple running in the park came across some bones. They went to the police to report what they’ve found. The bones were then sent in to be observed and tested to identify who the bones belonged to. Based upon the analysis of the bones and the data gathered, the conclusion is that the bones belonged an Asian female over 30 years of age that was between the height of 4’8” and 5’3”. Summary of Findings: -sex: Through examination of the bones, the individual is identified

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Cephalopelvic Disproportion Michael S. Fallon MSUB City College Abstract Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is a condition that occurs when the head of a fetus is unable to pass through the birthing canal. There are several factors that contribute to CPD, some of which are: maternal size, postmature birth, and various conditions which affect the genital tract of the mother. CPD affects the mother, and her family, in both physical and psychological manners. Nursing care for CPD should

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

      Question 21 | 1 points   | Save   |   | Measurement of the mother's pelvis to determine its capacity for a vaginal birth is called: | | | | | | | | Culdocentesis | | | Fetal monitoring | | | Laparoscopy | | | Pelvimetry | | | | | |   Question 22 | 1 points   | Save   |   | Surgical puncture of the amniotic sac to withdraw amniotic fluid for analysis is: | | | | | | | | Culdocentesis | | | Laparoscopy | | | Amniocentesis |

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Leukaemia is the uncontrolled growth of blood cells which occurs in the bone marrow (National Cancer Institute, 2013). Every day six New Zealanders are diagnosed with some form of blood cancer (Leukaemia and blood cancer New Zealand, 2015). It is believed that more than 10,000 people in New Zealand are affected by blood cancers such as, leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma or related blood diseases (Leukaemia and blood cancer New Zealand, 2015).Leukaemia is believed to be ten times more common in adults

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    • 7 Pages
    Decent Essays