People from San Francisco

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    Time, like a river flows in a set direction and once past no amount of nostalgia is capable of reversing its course. Just as it is impossible to reverse the passage of time, it is impossible to retain a past identity. Jennifer Egan’s novel, a Visit from the Goon Squad, is a collection of short stories that each have a distinct voice and style. Although each chapter can stand alone, they are bound together by thematic elements and a complex web of relationships centered around Bennie Salazar a music

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  • Decent Essays

    that jumps between periods of time and interchanges multiple characters, Lou Kline is one of the only consistent elements throughout the entirety of A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. Lou is first portrayed hostily as a abhorrent, egocentric man who fears growing older. In the next chapter, the reader’s perception of Lou is altered from a sleazy man to a more paternal figure, and the reader understands that while Lou has done despicable things, he is not completely immoral. Altered again

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  • Good Essays

    immigrant who gives up his country and family to pursue his passion for botany. Three women that knew him the best narrate Lue Gim Gong's story from three distinct cultures and three distinct points of view. They include his mother Sum Jui, his teacher Fanny Burlingame, and a friend that he makes named Sheba. Their contrasting perspectives are carefully interwoven from chapter to chapter. Lue, however, never gets a voice throughout the book; this makes Lue Gim Gong's life even more puzzling than it already

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    leader of the Peoples Temple, was responsible for the loss of the 900+ people that died in Guyana on November 18, 1978. Before all of this Jim Jones was a normal man living a life as a preacher who preached against racism. Throughout his life he was very popular by “currying favor with public officials and the media, donated money to numerous charitable causes and delivered votes for various politicians at election times”(History Staff). Jim Jones was a cult leader that preached to 900+ people of the Peoples

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    Jonestown Massacre Essay

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    Guyana, South America to commit a mass suicide of 900+ people. He accomplished this by having every one drink a laced Kool-Aid. A few other things that will be discussed about with be how the Peoples Temple (the cult name) grew and got this many members. Also on what was in the drink and how they members were treated throughout while being in the organization. The Peoples Temple Jim Jones was the one who had founded this so called “Peoples Temple” in the 1950s in Indiana. But then later on he relocated

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    Peoples Temple Essay

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    Peoples Temple On November 18, 1978 more than nine hundred people died in one of the largest mass murder/suicides in history. The man that implemented and carried out that atrocity was James Warren Jones, otherwise known as Jim Jones, a self proclaimed Second Coming (God). His exposure to an intensely emotional Pentecostal church service influenced and shaped his future beliefs and actions. In 1960, despite his lack of theological training, Jim Jones became an ordained minister. He made racial

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    discrimination was becoming more and more a part of an everyday battles that Peoples Temple were prepared to battle (History Channel) inequality was one of the main goals of Peoples Temple but when the group evolved into what it became into, people stayed because they still wanted to be a part of something that was bigger then them in pursuit of a greater cause. “He had marched with Martin Luther King and once believed that the Peoples Temple would fulfill his dream of integration and racial equality.(The

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  • Decent Essays

    Jim Jones Cult Theory

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    Sociologists view cult behavior as a deviance from society’s norm. There are many theories as to why a cult leader forms a cult and how they garner such complete blind devotion from their members. While researching Jim Jones and The Peoples Temple I discovered that this particular cult adhered to several of the proven theories. Jones had few societal bonds and used fear and intimidation to control his members. He was an extreme socialist turned communist; when his original goals were met with

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    Jonestown was a community built by Peoples Temple in Guyana that ended in tragedy with a death toll of 918 people. “Founded in 1956 by Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple accepted everyone into their church and focused on helping people in need. Jones originally established the Peoples Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana, but then moved it to Redwood Valley, California in 1966. Jones had a vision of a communist community, one in which everyone lived together in harmony and worked for the common good.” (Rosenberg)

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Jonestown Massacre Essay

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    The Jonestown Massacre On November 18, 1978, in the South American country, Guyana, 918 people died from drinking cyanide poisoning. The Jonestown Massacre, led by Jim Jones, convinced men, women, and children of all ages to commit suicide or be killed in days to come by the U.S. government. This event would become known as the most deadly, non-natural disaster in U.S. history, before September 11, 2001. James Warren Jones, better known as Jim Jones, was born on May 13, 1978 in Lynn, Indiana. His

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    Decent Essays