This paper will concentrate on the analysis and the review of three major performances, Missa Mirabilis, Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op.43 and Dona Nobis Pacem. These pieces of performances are generally based on a religious setting of the several regions that the very detailed and are represented in a very organized way. To begin, Missa Mirabilis is a piece that was celebrated at the Westminster Cathedral for the feast of Corpus Christi on the 10th of June, 2007. This gave a new setting of
put on great show. The one thing that I thought was the most amazing about this show was how so many different kinds of dancers and dance styles came together. In addition, I loved that there were also different body shape. The dancers after the performance spoke about how they felt as dancers in this show. They mentioned that they appreciated how Micah took into considerations different body types and made dances to accommodate different body types. One of the dancers that caught my attention was
Dance performance Analysis Acceptance The performers danced to uplifting and complementing words. The messages were a mixture of parents of the performers and other students themselves. Having genuine compliments intensified the self-love message of the dance. In addition to the selection of music, the choreography also expanded on acceptance. The dancers had mini solos, but after they finished their mini solo, they became background support for the solos after their own. The dancers’ dance moves
The spectacle of Post National was in many ways distorted because of there being no facts or knowledge presented in the performance. The performance of Post National had only a map of different places as the background, with the lighting of all of Canada in the second act projected on the background. There was no light switches or sound effects. The only costumes in Post National were giant maple leaves which due to their use of the maple leaf, it was unnecessary and disrespectful. It was unprofessional
My fourth performance will be a group performance that focuses on the story of Julio, from the book Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented Lives. Julio is an immigrant that tries to cross the border seven times, and on the eighth time he goes through terrible circumstances only to make it through the desert alive. My group will try to use theories of Conquergood, Pollock, and Bell, while keeping in mind the second learning objective in order to execute Julio’s story properly. We’ve taken
I watched Sierra Stages’ performance of Christopher Durang’s “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike on Broad Street, Nevada City, March 14, 2015. This was directed by Jeffery Mason in a proscenium theater configuration. I will discuss how all aspects of the performance except one worked well within verisimilitude, the creative concept for this production except one and how Each of the parts of the play contributed to the performance. The conventions of the play were easy to determine and most of
Key Performance Indicators The validity and effectiveness of the patient advocacy program can be measured using key performance indicators or KPIs. KPIs are defined as a “set of quantifiable measures that a company or industry uses to gauge or compare performance in terms of meeting their strategic and operational goals” (Investopedia, 2015). The KPIs chosen for JPS should reflect its goals. As shown in the Fishbone diagram, healthcare providers are tasked with multiple moving parts such as patient
Award winning performance “When the Wolves came in”, directed by Kyle Abraham1, succeeded to evoke emotion, strive for opening up important conversations, and most importantly, created a powerful narrative towards his personal mission to share stories. The chosen elements of music, positive space in bodily contact, and stylistic dance were the aspects of this performance which contributed the most towards his narrative. After shared experiences with students who saw this performance, it seems pertinent
On Tuesday October 21, 2015, our Introduction to Modern class went to Harrisburg Area Community College to watch the Rioult Dance NY perform four dance pieces using musical works of founder, Pascal Rioult, in the Rose Lehrman Arts Center. The duration of the program was 7:30- 9 p.m. The particular piece that I found the most captivating was “City” choreographed by Pascal Rioult and performed by Catherine Cooch, Corinna Lee Nicholson, Michael Spencer Phillips, and Sabatino A. Verlezza. This piece
their stage, and their YouTube channel becomes their exhibition for these performances. This act of performing can further be analyzed through the work of authors in the realm of Performance and Performativity Studies, such as Richard Schechner, Erving Goffman and Bernie Hogan. Richard Schechner defines performance as an act that can be reheard and reacted, however in the world of affinity based SNSs like YouTube, performance entails a much broader definition and impact. Bernie Hogan in The Presentation