increase of storm due to climate change. Pervious Concrete pavement is a different type of concrete with high porosity, which allows the water to infiltrate and reach the groundwater; thereby it reduces the water runoff and filtrates it. This kind of permeable pavement, consist of large aggregates and less or no fine aggregates. The pervious concrete pavement is one of the important and sustainable construction for reducing the environmental impacts and it is a good choice for earning LEED credits. 1
about two-thirds of total built cover (Ferguson, 2005, 2-3). Parking lots, in particular, account for the majority of paved areas. Pervious paving materials have the capability of providing a dual purpose in parking and other areas with low to
of stormwater from their combined sewer system each year. Permeable pavements . The case studies for permeable pavements were from a website/organization called Low Impact Development and Portland, Oregon. For pricing, per square foot, it would be $0.50 to $1.00 for asphalt, $2.00 to $6.50 for porous concrete, $1.50 to $5.75 for grass or gravel pavers, and $5.00 to $10.00 for interlocking concrete paving blocks (Peterson, 2001). Permeable pavement will not only take in water but sediment as well
courses and asphalt treated permeable bases that may be used in specifying mixes for porous asphalt pavements.” (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2015). An added advantage to using porous asphalt is that it does not need proprietary ingredients. It also does not require the contractor to have special paving equipment or skills other than those needed to place normal asphalt. With the proper information, most asphalt plants can easily prepare the mix and general paving contractors can install it
expensive. Choices then break into the following groupings. Some categories consist of natural and cultured options, while others, such as the permeable varieties,
As a species that continues to evolve and expand on this planet, humans have made many lasting impacts to their home. Some of these changes often go generally unnoticed, such as the shift in popular music, or fashion trends. Even transitions from job to job, or relocating to a new city seem to weigh lightly on the general public. However, unbeknownst to us, we as a species have a far greater impact on this planet than we would like to admit. Throughout our day-to-day lives we tend to unknowingly
According to the planning consultants of Somersworth, New Hampshire (2010) a new Master Plan has been revised for a vision into 2020 due to significant investment in both the private and public sector. Somersworth is currently undergoing significant change since 2000 and these modifications to the city allow for several social and economic opportunities in the area. Development and redevelopment that has occurred since 2000 has been the relocation of both City Hall and the Police Department, the
lots. Despite the fact that asphalt pavement is already environmentally friendly, the asphalt industry has worked tirelessly to make it even more environmentally green. The latest development in green paving is porous asphalt. What Is Porous Asphalt? Porous asphalt, which is sometimes called permeable asphalt, allows water to infiltrate beneath the pavement. After the water percolates through the pavement, it reaches a special drainage system that redirects the water back into the soil.
materials that are used to produce roadways is also on the rise [1]. There is a total of 2.7 million miles of paved roadway in the United States. The primary material for paving those roads is asphalt [2]. Asphalt is a material that consists of bituminous oil mixed with sand and gravel. Asphalt makes a good material for paving roads because it is cheap and easily accessible, however, it does have its downsides. Wet pavement clusters are sections of asphalt that become excessively slick after it rains
Alternatively tyres can be recycled through civil engineering projects. These include projects such as paving, erosion control and retaining walls. Tyres utilised in retaining walls are typically a complete tyre that has been separated into halves prior to being filled with aggregate to increase the structural integrity of the tyre before being placed in