Pet Adoption Many people have different thoughts on adoption. Such as why adoption is a good thing not only for the animal but also the owner, if each dog deserves a second chance, and if there should be kill shelters. Adoption is good for both the animal and the owner, by adopting an animal is gives them a new home that they deserve. Adoption gives the owner a sense of what the animal has gone through, which sometimes helps understand the way the animal may act and can help find ways to train
potential pet owners require a bit more “tugging” to put things in perspective as a recent advertisement by The Shelter Pet Project suggests. By tugging, I’m referring the to the “heart strings” of the audience. The ad features a somewhat large, orange cat looking into a bathroom mirror. Nothing too peculiar about that image right? Wrong. The text of the ad, ‘Does this fur make me look fat?’ is within a cloud shaped thought bubble followed by the claim ‘There’s nothing wrong with shelter pets.’ Joined
I. Introduction A. Introductory Paragraph B. Thesis: Pet adoption should be a first option for people because of its many benefits. II. Health Benefits A. Shelter animals offer loyal companionship to people. “There are big positives for a person’s mental and physical wellbeing in adopting a pet – there are so many benefits to adopting a dog or cat, including companionship and friendship” (Sum). B. Inclusively, shelter animals reduce stress and other health-related issues. “Not only will you benefit
love and companionship of pets. Inclusively, dogs have been stated as “man’s best friends.” By far, pets have become a bigger role in people’s lives. Consequently, pet ownership has turned out to be more popular through the years. Owning a pet can be one of the most rewarding experiences, but there is a fact that many individuals may not know. From what kind of places are people obtaining their pets? The two most presumed options are narrowed down to either buying at a pet store or adopting from a
Pet Adoption AD’s There are numerous reasons why one should make wise decision before adopting a dog. The first you get to save a life by choosing to adopt. In the United Sates, more than two million dogs are available to be adopted every year. One of the reason there are so many dogs up for adoption is a lot of owners surrender their pets to the animal shelter. There are also benefits to adopting a dog from a shelter, it helps pay for the shelter to save more dogs and to find homes for other dogs
Pet Adoption and Depression Approximately 20.9 million adults in the United States are currently coping with depression or a mood or anxiety disorder, and this number is seemingly on the rise (Mental Disorders In America). It is becoming more and more likely for people in the United States to be diagnosed with depression or anxiety. However, this number only accounts for the number of individuals who choose to seek professional help or medical treatment, because many people are not even aware that
country. Dallas animal shelters such as the SPCA of Dallas took in hundreds of these displaced animals and are now currently trying to find them a home. Amazon understands how important it is to give back to its community, and realizes that the Dallas pet community is in major need. Therefore, the Amazon offices located in Dallas, will be partnering with the SPCA of Dallas to put together a one-time event in Klyde Warren Park
Chester Springs, PA- Did you know that Main Line Animal Rescue (MLAR) receives no federal, state or local funding? MLAR relies solely on donors, volunteers and those open to adopting a new pet. Dedicated to fighting for the well-being and civilized treatment of all animals, MLAR works to raise the public’s awareness of the plight that homeless animals face. MLAR also focuses on educating prospective new families about the benefits of adopting an animal. MLAR’s mission is to be the country’s leading
I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Bakersfield SPCA. Volunteering here was very rewarding as I was able to provide care for cats and dogs who may never get adopted. My responsibilities consisted of cleaning the cats’ kennels and making them presentable to any potential adopters. This consisted of wiping the outside of the kennels and replacing the cat litter boxes so the cats would have a clean place to use. I also cleaned the inside of the kennels and provided them with water and food. Through
entire existence. Ever since I was a young child, I’ve always resonated with the everlasting idea of helping animals more so than anyone and anything else in this world. My love for animals had begun when I was a mere two years old. I’ve always had pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and much more. I remember the joy I’d felt when my parents brought my dogs and I to the park. To find out more information about how to help adoptable animals in shelters, I contacted Amanda Smasal, a community outreach