To give some context into Judy Chicago herself, she was born in Chicago, Illinois (hence the name Judy Chicago) on July 20, 1939. In 1962, she received her Bachelor of Art degree from the University of California, Los Angeles and then her Master’s in 1964. From then on, she taught at various universities as an art educator for feminist art. She also has five honorary doctorates from different universities. She started out making minimalist artworks form 1963-1974. In Chicago’s minimalist art, there
JUDY CHICAGO'S DINNER PARTY A Personal Vision of Women's History JOSEPHINE WITHERS In the fifteenth century, Christine de Pisan dreamt of building an ideal city for eminent and virtuous women, and with the help of her three "muses," the sisters Reason, Rectitude, and Justice, she reflected on the many women in history and mythology who might live together in this Cité des Dames. Almost exactly four centuries later, the American sculptor and feminist Harriet Hosmer envisioned a beautiful temple