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    • 1417 Words
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    PLOT POINT is an original dramatic, action-thriller. The script is driven by solid themes about making the right life choices, freedom, control, and destiny. The tone is consistently dramatic. The script features a non-conventional structure in which two main storylines are taking place at one time. One plot is based on the life of the central protagonist and his real life dilemma. This storyline combines drama with a crime thriller. The second plotline is a fictional or fantasy action story

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  • Decent Essays

    How to Develop a Plot

    • 1784 Words
    • 8 Pages

    How To Create A Plot Outline I'll describe each of the eight elements in turn. If you already have an idea for a novel you're working on, open your file or get a pad of paper or your writer's notebook. As you read through the rest of this page, jot down ideas for how each element might work in your story. At the end, I'll show you how to use your choices to create a brief, well-rounded plot outline for your novel. If you don't have an idea for a novel yet, just grab one from your imagination

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Hitchhiker plot In most ghost stories, there suspenseful, scary, and thrilling, and which are all elements that most people find enjoyable. In Lucille Fletcher’s the Hitchhiker, a man had a sudden urge to go on a journey, but this wasn’t your average journey. On the other hand, Ronald Adams repeatedly sees this perplexing man on every road he went on. After continuously seeing this man it drives him insane. She uses exposition, climax, and resolution as the plot elements, they play a big

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Rose For Emily Plot

    • 996 Words
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    story, a plot is developed and told by the narrator. The development of this plot directly shapes the events that take place. Plots vary from story to story, but the basic meaning is still there. A plot is defined as a “sequence of interrelated events that make up its basic narrative structure.” Mostly, plots have a definite beginning, middle and end. Most of the time, a story has a chronological plot, and in “A Rose for Emily”’s case it is chronological throughout five parts. The plots purpose is

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    Plot Twist In Narrative

    • 1189 Words
    • 5 Pages

    Plot twist occurs near or at the conclusion of a story. It is an unexpected conclusion to a work of fiction that causes to reevaluate the whole plot and characters. When a plot twist happens it changes one's view of the preceding events, it is also known as a surprise ending or twist ending. It provides ideas for unexpected turns in the course of narrative. O.Henry has profoundly used this technique in almost all his stories. There are many mechanics by which twisted endings are created. There are

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    The Invalid's Story Plot

    • 362 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Martin Destiny Martin Hensley English 11/ Fifth period 08 January 2018 Parti 1: Plot Summary In the short story “The Invalid’s Story” a lot of humorous events take place. The story starts out as the narrator is explaining that his dear friend had passed away. They were school friends and his name was John B. Hackett. He had passed away the day before the narrator begins the story. So the main character goes to pick up his casket to bring it to Johns family. The boxs each have tags on them but

    • 362 Words
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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Good Essays

    Plot twist occurs near or at the conclusion of a story. It is an unexpected conclusion to a work of fiction that causes to reevaluate the whole plot and characters. When a plot twist happens it changes one's view of the preceding events, it is also known as a surprise ending or twist ending. It provides ideas for unexpected turns in the course of narrative. O.Henry has profoundly used this technique in almost all his stories. There are many mechanics by which twisted endings are created. There are

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Plot against People Have you ever thought that the possibility exists that inanimate objects are in fact “plotting against people” in an effort to make our lives even more difficult than they actually are? In “The Plot against People,” Russell Baker, a newspaper columnist and humorist, adopts a wry view of the world in which he gives inanimate objects mischievous aims. As a class assignment, I was called upon to write my own version in the style of Baker. How often is it that we are

    • 454 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    Most books you read fall into the list of plot types that Christopher Booker created. Each plot type is a representation of different books that fall under that category that essentially tell of the same story. The author of the book, Dennis Dutton, described how the idea of plot came about, how Aristotle and other writers believed there were a finite number of plots for fictions. The dictionary definition of plot reads a plan or main story. Booker's plot types include Overcoming the Monster, Rags

    • 978 Words
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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The plot is a very important part of a story. If there was not a plot structure; it would be a very boring story. That is if they could even make a story at all. Every story has to have some kind of plot. A short story might be able to have a simple plot, but a movie or novel would have to have one, or who would pay for the movie or book. Even though, there has to be some kind of plot; that might not be the main purpose of the book. The important part, that draws people in could also be the

    • 856 Words
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    Decent Essays