Dangers of Police Pursuits January 2006 Abstract Debate rages over whether high-speed pursuits are justified. And consensus is growing among local and national law enforcement for the need for stricter controls to dictate when, where and why police engage in such potentially deadly car chases. The written pursuit policies of 47 state law enforcement agencies and the nation's 25 largest cities were subjected to comparative analysis. Qualitative analysis of the policies focused on factors justifying
are virtually an unlimited amount of aspects about police work that places them in harm’s way every day. Some of which officers are trained to mitigate and exercise some form of control over while others are mostly out of police control. Vehicle pursuit is one instance where police have little control over and thus must adopt a mostly reactionary response rather than a proactive approach. Police officer training and preparation for such pursuits are conducted during their initial phases of training
Imagine being a police officer doing your daily routine job. You are in a patrol car on the highway, watching the cars and trucks drive by. You are also looking for speeders to warn them to be more careful and maybe you’ll ticket them. It has been a very boring day for you, since you have only been called on your radio once, and it was for an accident (fender bender). Almost at the end of your shift, a blue car drives by going ninety miles an hour, but you know the speed
Police Pursuits, Chasing After Life Police chases are one of the most captivating spectacles to observe. Television programmers cannot get enough of them, while the reality of them is more controversial. The reasons people run from the police are innumerable, as to why the police pursue is and should be more calculated. Most people concede that a police pursuit involving a murder, bank robber, or a kidnapper, should be undertaken. Nonetheless, the debate remains about whether or not the police
It is common for Hollywood to glamorise high speed police chases, often depicted with police vehicles speeding through the streets with sirens blaring and the offender always being caught without incidence, however this depiction could not be further from the truth with police chases often having serious consequences and the outcome often far from ideal. It is due to these less than ideal outcomes that the media and public at large often call for the practice to be banned or for further regulations
The day before the interview, Gardner grudgingly has to paint his apartment due to his difficulty in paying the rent. While painting, Gardner is greeted by the police at his doorstep, who brings him to the station, stating he has to pay for his numerous parking tickets he has received. Gardner has to spend the night in jail, interfering with his schedule for the interview the next morning. He manages to arrive
much as it should be so it shows they do it for others and not the money. When a teacher sees one of their students succeed it is rewarding for them and what they work so hard for. In my opinion that’s an example of being selfless. In the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” a man is evicted from his apartment he has a young son to take care of, the boy’s mother says she can’t take care of him on her own and is leaving so he needs to stay with him. They have nowhere to go so they have to stay in different
English Speech – The Pursuit of Happyness The Journey movie I chose to talk about is The Pursuit of Happyness. It is an inner journey. The movie starts off showing the scenery – the Golden Gate Bridge, an American flag and the crowded busy street full of business people and the homeless. The camera then focuses on Chris Gardener and his son Christopher. Chris says throughout the movie the 6 stages of his life. It starts off with ‘Riding the bus'. In ‘Riding the bus’ we learn that he lives in an
Christine Powroznik English Final Exam: Survival Guide Pursuit of Happyness, Dead Poet’s Society, The Great Gatsby, & Death of a Salesman 1) The American Dream The Great Gatsby: The American dream is a chance to start a new life in a new setting. In this book, Gatsby’s American dream was Daisy. Once he met her, he devoted his life to pleasing her: he bought the mansion across the bay from her, had extravagant parties, etc. He always held onto his hope, or the green light, that he would win her
In addition, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation plays an important role on influencing Chris Gardner to pursue happiness in life in the movie. Intrinsic motivation is a kind of motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in oneself. For instance, Gardner meets Jay Twistle, a manager for Dean Witter Reynolds and impresses him by solving a Rubik's Cube during a short taxi ride. He never know that this attitude can earn him a chance to become the intern of Dean Witter. He solve