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    Exposing the Weakness of Saint Anselm of Canterbury’s Ontological Argument In a world of scientific inquiry, atheism, and the assassination of God, we are often neglectful of our Glorious God’s existence. With new theories of neuropsychology, quantum physics, gene therapy, evolution, and psychobiology, we are constantly forced to edge God out of our lives, to be replaced with cold, empty scientific thought. What, with meme theory, genetic predisposition, evolutionary spontaneous generation

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  • Decent Essays

    The main purpose of Saint Anselm’s Proslogion is to help Anselm communicate his proof of God’s existence. His idea is to use ontological evidence and reason to help argue the existence of God. Saint Anselm liked to use philosophy as an approach towards religion and in doing so he created Scholasticism. In the process of doing all of this, Saint Anselm kept his findings in a book called the Proslogion. He divided his book into different chapters, each arguing for God’s existence using reason. In

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  • Decent Essays

    Anselm, in his work “Proslogion”, attempts to answer the question “Does God exist in reality?” based on the reason and understanding, temporary excluding faith for the sake of argument. Anselm’s ontological argument widely reflects the main themes of medieval philosophy of religion, which are compatibility between the divine attributes and theism in opposition to skepticism and naturalistic schemes. Arguing for the monotheism, in other words, existence of the single God, the author actually assumes

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  • Decent Essays

    In the book, The Proslogion, written by Saint Anselm, we find the Ontological Argument. This argument made by Saint Anselm gives us proofs that he believes helps prove the existence of God. Anselm gives many reasons as to why the simple understanding of God can help prove that God himself exists, as well as mentioning how the idea of God cannot be thought not to exist. Though this argument has been looked at by people such as Guanilo, a monk, whose response to Anselm 's proofs was trying to say that

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    There are two arguments going on in this article, “Proslogion and Exchange with Gaunilo” and “Treatise on God”. It is an ontological argument between Anselm, Gaunilo, and Aquinas. I like this article because it is about god is real or not. Anselm is born in Aosta, in 1033. He wants his readers to believe that god does not exist but he is in our thoughts. If there is something better than god is foolish. He is saying in his article that,” Better to be just than unjust, and better to be happy than

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  • Good Essays

    In Proslogion, St. Anselm of Canterbury argues that God must exist because nothing else can exceed him both as a concept in the human mind and as a figure in reality. As an objection to his argument, Gaunilo of Marmoutier states that anything that exists in the mind can also exist within reality, such as the idea of a perfect island that everyone has imagined, yet no one has encountered. Gauniloʻs objection does not effectively refute St. Anselmʻs argument because an island does not possess qualities

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  • Better Essays

    Dale Barlet Philosophy 100 Professor McAndrews 3/28/17 In Proslogion, Anselm argues God’s existence using what has come to be known as the ontological argument. Using the ontological argument, Anselm disproves “the fools” belief that there is no God. However, Anselm does not give enough backing to his arguments. This is particularly true in the fourth point, that it is conceivable that God exists in reality. Although I agree with Anselm, he gives no evidence to support why it is conceivable that

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  • Good Essays

    Throughout Proslogion Anselm defends his argument that “God is which nothing greater can be thought” by providing key elements. Anselm proposes that one cannot imagine a god that is greater, and even non-believers have a conception of the western god. Anselm asserts that since everyone has an understanding of god in their mind, then god exist in reality. This paper will evaluate some of the main key elements that Anselm uses to prove that the ontological argument is correct in Proslogion. I contend

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  • Decent Essays

    synthetic proposition adds to our comprehension- in this case we require experience as well as deduction. As a Benedictine monk, St. Anselm developed the ontological argument on the basis of ‘faith seeking understanding’ notably in his text, the Proslogion. Moreover, Anselm drew influences from Psalms 14- The Fool, making reference to the fact that the believer and the unbeliever (the fool) accept God’s highest sum of perfection however, what the unbeliever faults itself on is the fact that they cannot

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  • Decent Essays

    In the Proslogion written by Anselm of Canterbury, Anselm gives his ontological argument of how God exists. This essay explains that Anselm’s argument of God’s existence works. In particular, I will show that Anselm’s ontological argument makes sense by showing that the statements that logically contribute to the existence of God. In Anselm’s ontological argument, he states that God means something than which greater can be thought. In other words, “God is whatever it is better to be than not

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