of toxicity from radiation or unnatural means of radiation, how do we protect ourselves? The Earth is covered in natural background radiation. Terrestrial, cosmic and radon radiation are all a part of our environment. Even if manmade radiation and nuclear radiation didn’t exist, we would still be exposed to toxic, unhealthy sources of biological changing substances. How do our bodies recover from an assault to our immune systems and resume a healthy life from ionizing radiation that can cause cancer
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION TYPES OF RADIATION In order to appreciate how radiation energy works, it is imperative to know the types of radiation. The different sources of radiation can be grouped under either Ionising radiation or Non-ionising radiation. Ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that is made up of high-energy waves which has the capability of displacing and breaking atomic electron bonds holding up the molecules of matter together resulting in chemical change which can lead to harmful
Radiation is the process of energy emitted through space. When people think of radiation the word hazardous, threatening, and destructive comes to mind. However, people don’t realize that there is radiation emitted everywhere. There are two type of radiation: natural environmental and man-made. Natural environmental radiation are occur throughout life because it’s not something that can be control. Examples of natural environmental radiation includes: the sun, stars, Earth and all earth-based-concrete
Abstract Radiation therapy is the act of using ionizing radiation for treating primarily patients suffering from cancer. Depending of the type of cancer a radiation oncologist, which is the physician assigning the treatment, will work with a medical dosimetrist to make a treatment arrangement. This suggestion, depending on the ailment, include: the type of treatment and the dose of radiation that will be administered. When receiving the treatment plan, a radiation therapist takes on the job of administering
About 15% of the ionizing radiation exposure to the people comes from man-made sources and almost all of these exposures are due to medical radiation, which is vastly from diagnostic and therapeutic sources(9). Out of 3 mSv annual global per caput effective dose (2000), 2.4 mSv is from natural background and 0.4 mSv from diagnostic medical exams(5,9). and since then many new therapeutic and diagnostic methods have been implemented making the exposure dose due to medical radiation to go up. The problem
Introduction Understanding the effects of radiation in utero is an important area of research. Expectant mothers may require examinations involving exposure to radiation to diagnose or treat a medical condition (Nguyen & Goodman, 2012). Radiologists are exposed to radiation each day at work, which is particularly concerning when health professionals become pregnant. In utero development involves massive proliferation and organization of new cells. Ionizing radiation pulls electrons away from atoms and
According to the researchers of mayoclinic.org, Radiation Oncology is the practice of regulating high dosages of radiation to kill cancerous cells. In this job several small tasks accumulate into a complex system. A radiation oncologist can expect to: place radioactive material into the body to locate and pinpoint tumors, keep detailed records of treatment proficiency, examine and create machinery to diminish harmful exposure to radiation, and to console other oncologists about methods such as chemotherapy
Atoms are the microscopic building blocks of all matter in the universe. Everything around us are made of atoms, including radiation. The centre of an atom is called the nucleus, it is made of two particles: protons, which carry a positive charge and neutrons, which have no charge. Electron carry a negative charge and it is outside of a nucleus. The attraction of these negative electrons to the positive nucleus is what keep the atom together. All the atom of the given elements has a specific number
Radiation is the reactions caused by kinetic energy passing from one place to another. Radiation has been part of the human environment since the existence of Earth. Some sources of radiation are natural. However, others are artificial. Terrestrial sources of radiation are natural and come from the earth. They originate from radioactive materials in the earth's crust. The sun's rays are also a natural form of radiation called cosmic rays. (Statkiewicz-Sherer, 2017). Artificial sources of radiation
In radiation therapy, certain treatment plans require a water-equivalent material called a bolus to raise the maximum dose buildup (Dmax) closer to the surface of the skin. One of the most common materials used to create this more superficial treatment dose is a commercial product called Superflab. Superflab is a manufactured vinyl gel material that is uniform in thickness, easy to cut, and reusable (Radiation Products Inc, 2010). Therapists use other materials in clinical settings, but there is