Rape crisis center

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    What is a Rape Crisis Center?

    • 1980 Words
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    What Is a Rape Crisis Center Rape Crisis Centers are around to provide comprehensive services to victims of sexual assault and their families, and to conduct sexual assault prevention and education programs for everyone (About, n.d.). Background/History Rape crisis centers come into play around the early 1970s. The rape crisis movement as well as the feminist movement played a large role on the rape crisis center coming into play. These centers have helped so many people since they have opened before

    • 1980 Words
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    Rape Crisis Centers SER 101: Kevin Garganta Pierre Sophy Fall 2016   Abstract This research is focused on rape crisis centers for women who have been sexually abused or raped. Some survivors of rape and sexual abuse require the assistance of rape crisis centers to try and gain back control of their lives. Some women may require long-term counseling as a result whereas others do no. Whichever the case, with such a high number of survivors, the help must remain readily available.

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    how she tried to recover from the physical and psychological trauma and finally triumphed, getting the attacker arrested and convicted. Just as written in the book, "You save yourself or you remain unsaved."(Sebold, 54) Alice Sebold’s experience of rape not only caused damage to her own life but also triggered ripple-effect to her friends, her family and many other people in the community. They all played their roles in this event and reacted differently. The friends almost played the role of companions

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    Clinical Mental Health counseling is a field of great opportunity and great responsibility. When counselees walk into the therapist’s office, they are often at one of the lowest points of their lives, bringing with them a lifetime of hurts, questions, and crises. The counselor’s view of the Gospel must be full enough to encompass the life of the hurting person. In those moments, a counselor will rely on years of hard work and discipline to make decisions that impact a person for life. A counselor

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    the non-profit organizations called Crisis Pregnancy Centers. These pro-life supporters help women avoid making irreversible choices concerning their pregnancy. Peer-to-peer the volunteers of the Crisis Pregnancy centers educate, mentor, and provide emotional support to expectant mothers of all ages. In addition to the support function these center provide tangible items such as; maternity clothing, baby clothing, and infant car seats. Crisis Pregnancy Center workers are people who exhibit characteristics

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  • Decent Essays

    organizations. The Carousel Center and Rape Crisis Center are two non-profit organizations, local to Wilmington, that helps foster and defend victims of assault—especially sexual assault. The Carousel Center specializes in helping children and their families deal with the assaults, mental and physical, which effects the growth and development of the child assaulted. The Rape Crisis Center is like the Carousel Center but instead of focusing on child assaults, it focuses on general rape assaults on women and

    • 487 Words
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    Rape Crisis Barriers

    • 271 Words
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    what are the barriers that workers in rape crisis centers perceive that survivors face when getting services? Rape crisis centers are put in different communities to respond to the physical, emotional and social needs of the survivors. These needs are met through 24-hour crisis hotlines, individual and group counseling, and legal and medical advocacy. Research has shown that there have been barriers faced by survivors in getting help within the rape crisis organization. A study was put into place

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    regardless of sex and sexual orientation, using any object or body part. The issue of sexual assault in America is primarily encouraged by rape culture. Women Against Violence Against Women is an organization that defines rape culture as a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. The acceptance of rape culture, rape myths, and the disregard for sexual consent also allow for the perpetuation of sexual assault against women on college campuses. Recent

    • 1993 Words
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    Description of Site Family Crisis Center was established in 1981 by volunteers who wanted to provide support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. This center is located in Deep South Texas in a town named Harlingen, with a population of approximately 65,000 people. The Family Crisis Center is run by a board of directors consisting of eight members who are responsible for setting up policy and handling the financials of the center. The Family Crisis Center currently employs 23 full

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    Sexual Violence defined by the United States Center for Disease Control as “penetrative and non- penetrative acts…[occurring] when a perpetrator commits sexual acts without a victim’s consent” is an issue finding itself highly concentrated on collegiate campuses nationwide (Basile et al. 1). Statistically speaking “one in five women, and a substantial number of men, [will experience] attempted or completed sexual assault during their college career”(OAESV 2). These numbers are utterly horrific, and

    • 2792 Words
    • 12 Pages
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