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  • Decent Essays

    1970’s. Hip Hop music is a form of expression, in which rappers talk about various topics including life struggles, and events that take place in society and etc. Other forms of artistic expression eventually evolved from Hip Hop like Rapping and Graffiti. Both Rapping and Graffiti are ways of expressing oneself and these mode of expressions have been misrepresented as being a form of violence and vandalism. Hip Hop was a cultural movement that originated in The South Bronx in New York City in the

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Describe Battle Rapping

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    The way I describe Battle Rapping is two people that express emotion through lyrics. In the lyrics, in my view the way you can express your emotion is either with negative rap or a positive rap. In this rap, I used negative lyrics to express my emotion. I used my negative lyrics to express defense against the lyrics Martin used at me. I also feel the art of rap is something people can use to express their feeling towards an idea or an action someone uses against them, which I used while talking

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays


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         Rap music is on its way to becoming one of the most popular forms of music on the market today. Although rap has only been popular for the last 15 years, it can be traced back to the days of slavery and even further to the tribes of Africa. Rap is used now as it was used for the past few centuries, as a form of communication. This music has been a way for the young African-American's to speak out about their lives and the struggles they go through. Like rock-n-roll and

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    Better Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Freestyle rapping is still one of the most popular forms of rapping today. Whether it be for fun or in a competition environment knowing how to rap freestyle can be a very cool and entertaining skill to have. If you are realities article you are ready to learn this skill and are ready to dominate the next battle with your friends or win the next freestyle competition that you participate in. In this article I am going to give you a quick lesson on how to rap freestyle. I am going to keep things

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The culture made the birth of hip-hop possible. Culture was simply the reason we found ourselves looking for a way to make money as the Harlemites did during the Renaissance period. Immigrants and businessman strived and hustled to get everything out of nothing. White folks downtown started the entertainment industry and black folks needed to make money due to no work and tough living conditions in Harlem. Black folks could always make quick money in the entertainment business. The whole system producing

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Taylor Swift Rapping

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    Taylor Swift is finally seen rapping in a new Apple ad, and enjoying it to the extent that she falls down on the treadmill when the next line reads, "Distractingly good. All the music you want," and she still keeps rapping after falling flat on the floor in the funny commercial. The pop star wears her perfect make-up and hair for the ad, as she sings to Future's "Jumpman." Then as she gets rapping, she gets distracted and whooo dangerously falls on the moving treadmill which throws her off to the

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Rapping Tin Foil

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    To begin, did you know tin foil can float with pennies? Rapping tin foil like a boat and putting pennies in the boat. I can see how strong tin foil is and what brand is the best. Buoyancy the ability or tendency to float in water or air or some other fluid. Buoyancy the ability or tendency to float in water or air or some other fluid. I will tell you about an upward force of the fluid which resists the weight of immersed objects. The density of the atmosphere depends on the altitude. Can you

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    In this essay, I am going to discuss the importance of the “Hydesville Rappings”. I will be talking about the Fox sister’s and the family and how they discovered communication with the spirit world. How they could communicate in simple understood code. How they discovered certain people were mediums. Also what findings were established as a result of the first Hydesville rappings. Hydesville rappings have allowed us to discover the truth and gaining the knowledge of life after death. This has

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    On the 31st March 1848 the first communication, connecting with spirit, involving the Fox sister’s known as the “Hydesville Rappings”. How a code was devised to communicate with spirit, a cynical neighbour curious joined in. This was an unlikely place for connecting the two worlds. At that point, there were many obstacles the Fox sister faced during their lifetime, however, allowing us to see the truth, furthermore gain the knowledge of life after death. Worldwide knowledge of this truth and

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    This runs true to such an extent that there is an official term for rapping by bragging, called “braggadocio”. In this type of rapping, the emcee/compère, or Master of Ceremonies, simply brags and boasts about things he or she has in his/her life that most others do not. These can include anything physical ranging from fighting ability to sexual prowess

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    Good Essays