Reclaimed word

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    Unclean or Unclean? As society continues to grow and change, words change as well; the term “slut” is no exception. The word that was coined to once define a lazy or untidy lady now refers to a woman that is “unclean” sexually. Of course, there is no other set standard for being a slut; there is no set number of sexual partners, no number of hookups, yet it is still used as one of the biggest insults to women and thrown around to anyone that shows even a hint of provocativeness. Does “slut” need

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  • Decent Essays

    Generally, the term recycling is applied to metal cans, glass bottles, papers, plastic bottles, food waste, and cardboard boxes. However, water can also be recycled every time you shower or wash your hands. The water that comes from these activities is called greywater. It is not as dark as sewage water, and it is easily distinguishable from tap water. Water recycling is defined as reusing treated wastewater for beneficial purposes such as watering gardens, field irrigation, parks, golf courses,

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  • Decent Essays

    Greywater systems are a way to use household wastewater and convert it into usable water for other purposes. For example, wastewater from showers, washing machines, and dishwater can be reused, mainly for landscape irrigation. Greywater is reusable due to the fact that the water being used does not come in contact with feces from toilets, hence its reusability. Although greywater may look dirty, it is clean enough for the use in the watering of a lawn or landscaping. These greywater systems have

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  • Good Essays

    With all these potential issues of water reclamation projects, it makes one wonder if a sustainable water source is even a reachable goal. However, a proposed solution with the use of our current water resources for potable water, using reclaimed water for uses other than drinking such as irrigation, and the mass implementation of water conservation policies, from the industrial scale all the way down to a local scale, the goal of sustainable water may be well within reach. The main issue

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  • Good Essays

    Water is often a resource taken for granted. Often wasted as if we have an unlimited supply. The hard truth is we don’t. This truth is never realized until it has become an issue. For some reason we tend to procrastinate, waiting until we have the issue to start practicing habits that benefit the environment, but what sense does that make? We often wait until we see the effects of the damage we have done to make a change. This is the American attitude. In China, the horrible smog got so bad that

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  • Better Essays

    SUMMARY I am a qualified Chemist with over 10 years’ experience in Chemical Engineering and Project Management. My experience includes team leadership and engineering design of water and wastewater treatment technologies, process management and water resources including flood and yield hydrology. In addition, I have a proven track of managing a portfolio of business projects including corporate risk management, project governance and non-compliance incident investigations. I have extensive experience

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  • Good Essays

    irrigation and for energy production in industrial settings. Water reuse is a water management initiative that is aimed at conserving our water resources and to allow the continual use of this precious resource repeatedly. Reused water also known as Reclaimed water is a type of water has been used by households, Industries ect, and is collected on a treatment site where it is cleared of various solids, organic and inorganic pollutants, and can be released into receiving streams or be used again. Water

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  • Decent Essays

    Water is one of the basic necessary of all living things on earth. There are less than three percent of fresh water that available on earth. Its approximate seventy percent of that is trap in glaciers in North and South Pole. Human among of all living things are also require to consume water to be able to survive beside foods. In the west coast of United State of America, there is a state call California. California produce major of US vegetables, fruits that is accommodate the American diet today

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    For many years we have lived by the nursery rhyme ‘’sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’’ and even the motto of “actions speak louder than words’’ but I am more than sure that we have all taken the time to analyze these statements based on life examples or experiences that have helped us conclude that they are indeed false. Words can hurt not to mention even kill. Words have their own voice and the tone of the voice can be as soft or as loud depending on the definite

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  • Decent Essays

    a intelligent man. This can be identified through his appearance, behaviour and motives, there is also evidence of this personality in the story. Also, Conan Doyle uses various phrases and words to describe him which suggests the man to be dangerous. When describing Dr Roylott ,Conan Doyle uses strong words to mould an image of him in the readers mind to be a horrible person. Phrases such as "a large face, seared with a thousand wrinkles, burned yellow with the sun, and marked with every evil

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