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  • Decent Essays

    The Road

    • 526 Words
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    The Road is a unique book that tells the story of an unnamed father and son in their journey in a post apocalyptic world where everything is dead and dying. In this cause and effect essay I will go over the father which I will refer to as The Man. The Man and his son (The Boy) have a unique relationship that feels translucent. At first when I was reading the book I thought the writing was horrible but, after a while the writing style grows on you making you more engaged and emotionally connected

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Road

    • 689 Words
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    When I picture the future, I cannot help but to picture the scene set at the very beginning of the 2009 film The Road. Overlaying pictures of a decaying world you hear a man’s weary voice saying, “The world slowly dies; no animals had survived and all the crops are long gone. Soon, all the trees in the world will fall.” Even without the visual I find it worrisomely easy to conjure up an image of lifeless world. Though the film features life after an apocalypse, it seems to me that our world heads

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Road

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    The Road is an enthralling movie experience of the book that brings out powerful emotions to the audience by visually depicting the sacred connection between father and son. The world has practically ended and it is up to the survivors to choose how they keep living in this post-apocalyptic world. Many people resort to cannibalism which our main characters did not, for they are the good guys that are “carrying the fire” everywhere they go. Through many ordeals and nightmares of being eaten

    • 691 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    The Road

    • 2053 Words
    • 9 Pages

    Why do you think McCarthy has chosen not to give his characters names? How do the generic labels of “the man” and “the boy” affect the way you /readers relate to them? While reading The Road, a novel written by Cormac McCarthy, I was jerked from the warmth, comfort, and safety of my home and thrown into a cold, dark, and desolate world, walking alongside “the man” and “the boy”. McCarthy composes his work so graphically that readers are drawn right into the story. I believe Cormac McCarthy

    • 2053 Words
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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    On The Road

    • 489 Words
    • 2 Pages

    The novel On the road, written by Jack Kerouac is an autobiographical book about a part of his life. The plot is about road tripping around the United States looking for some ideologies of enjoying youth generation in the late forties and the early fifties. The author is one of the most important writers of the “Beat Generation”, that is advocating the sexual liberation and the youth lifestyle in the sixties. The story sets in the United States of America and tell the story of the protagonist, Sal

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    In the poem I crafted, “The Roads Within”, it extend the ideas of the original poem, “The Road Not Taken”. One of the major ideas of the original poems is that we all have a choice in the decisions and paths we take in life. In my poem I enforce that idea in line 4, “Long I waited, considering each choice”. Before any one decides to live a certain way they must consider if they would not have regrets on the life they chose to live. The idea of not being able to go back to the point where the decision

    • 279 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The book The Road Cormac McCarthy creates a darkened mood when he puts this son and father into a destroyed world. McCarthy created this concept of a world to intensify the meaning of the piece all together. This darkness in the world creates to fear and the isolation for characters to realize that this is how life is from now on. The son in this novel comes to the realization of the world due to certain events within the novel that manipulation the view the son has on the world. An important flaw

    • 1183 Words
    • 5 Pages
    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Road Not Taken

    • 541 Words
    • 3 Pages

    different poems. These poems ranged from being written by Emily Dickinson to Robert Frost. One of those poems that was read and was talked about in class was Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken. It has many different meanings. A literal meaning is that the speaker takes a road that is both the same and different from another road. Some literary terms that were used were paradoxes and rhyming. There are many ways to understand this work, both literally and figuratively. All though this poem seems simple

    • 541 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Road Not Taken

    • 329 Words
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    Another poem I chose to go with my theme was “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. This poem explains how choices are like a fork in the road. There are two paths that you have the option of taking but each one will lead to a different place. It shows that depending on your actions and what you choose to do, each path will lead to something different from the other. This poem also shows that there is a choice everyone makes. You can either make your own choice and follow your path or you can follow

    • 329 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    On The Road Conformity

    • 708 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Major Research Essay: On the Road The 1950’s were a time of social conformity and singularity. The Cold War raged, as suspected communists were hunted. Anyone who didn’t fit into the little box that defined what was right would be accused. However, people known as the beat would revoke conformity, while other writers of the time period wanted to create a novel that defined the generation. On the Road by Jack Kerouac shows this time period through the eyes of a wanderlustful writer. He didn’t

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    Decent Essays