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    society to literature, novelists seek to write with a purpose, too. In the words of Salman Rushdie, a British novelist, “It may be that writers in my position, exiles or emigrants or expatriates, are haunted by some sense of loss,

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  • Decent Essays

    Salman Rushdie is a passionate novelist and essayist known for his magical realism, who expresses his beliefs and influences through his works. Rushdie has frequently described himself as a “historian of ideas,” and many of his novels are “novels of ideas” rather than narrations centered on a plot or character. 1 Furthermore, Rushdie’s pessimistic views of religion are seen in his writings, from The Satanic Verses to recent essays like, Out of Kansas. I will also discuss the fatwa’ calling for his

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  • Decent Essays

    political satire and caricature easily administer with fairy-tale fights of imagination that merge a fine diaphanous model of restrained allusions, impulse and humour. The magic realism popularized by Salman Rushdie inclined a large number of Indian novels. According to Anita Desai, Rushdie showed English language novelists in India a way to be “postcolonial”. There is an entire cohort of novelists who experience the weight of Rushdie’s influence as enabling their own talents. Quite apart from his

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  • Decent Essays

    Raj, or the British rule over India, has long since passed; however, the remnants of the pro-colonization have lingered around and are seemingly even making a comeback. Salman Rushdie in his essay, Outside the Whale, notices this romanticisation of Britain’s colonial past in the resurgence of Raj fiction and films. Rushdie, in his criticisms, embraces theories from Edward Said, and hints at theories from Frantz Fanon. By emphasizing the influential language of Raj films and texts, analyzing Orwell’s

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  • Decent Essays

    specifically, the past and present of India. By directly speaking to the audience in between his recounts, Rushdie urges the audience to capture the bias within his narration. Although Sadeem and Rushdie are implicitly portrayed as the same individual, Rushdie’s ability to manipulate Sadeem portrays his ability to trespass the boundaries between the fictitious world Sadeem lives in, the pensive present Rushdie writes from, and even the current reality the audience resides in. By interconnecting such

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  • Decent Essays

    Anyone who has ever had to leave his or her homeland knows how hard it is to begin a new life. Someone who moves into a new land that has a completely different culture than what they may be used to, can find it to be frightening as well as challenging. Many people who have found themselves in this position find that they seem to become a completely different person and forget who they once were. In Salman Rushdie’s book of short stories East, West this seems to be a common theme. Many of his characters

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  • Better Essays

    Sea of Stories, Salman Rushdie provides a fundamental, yet intricate variety of literary usage. These instances of literary usage provide and framework of support for the text which is to follow and to further accentuate the smaller and unnoticeable details of the story in to vital parts which are necessary for better comprehension and understanding of the meaning of the upcoming events. Symbolism is the most commonly used and most imperative literary device used by Rushdie. 'With the land of Chup

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    Better Essays
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    Salman Ahmed Rushdie is an eminent postcolonial diasporic writer of Indian origin. He was born in a Muslim family in 1947, the year India became free from the clutches of the colonial rule. The novelist and essayist of international repute, Rushdie, started his writing with the fictional work Grimus (1975). His second novel Midnights’ Children (1981) won the Booker’s Prize. The text focuses on the simultaneous independence and partition of the two nations. He came into thick of controversies because

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  • Good Essays

    Spiegelman’s Imaginary Homelands An author’s background and past life has a vast influence on his or her writing and can be the foundation of their material. Imaginary Homelands by Salman Rushdie depicts the criteria for a successful or unsuccessful work of literature. His input on an author having past correlations, separate identities, and memories to right their novel is shown in the writings of Art Spiegelman’s Maus series. Spiegelman demonstrates that the connections from where you are from

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    Salman Rushdie is one of the biographer , who emerged in eighties with a new affectionate of announcement and abstruse innovation. His ‘Booking abettor Prize’ win atypical Midnight ’s Accouchement is generally associated with adapted categories of arcane allegory , which cover postmodern fiction, postcolonial novel, absolute novel, and, a lot of importantly, bewitched accurateness . Assorted characters in the adventure are able with bewitched big agent , and the a lot of important of them is the

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    Decent Essays