Attending the science fair was honestly a good experience for me. I hadn't been to a science fair since 9th grade, and it was much smaller the one held at centennial. The one thing I noticed from walking around looking at all of the experiments is the difference in the level of difficulty between first through the twelfth grades. Some of the older children were talking about the growth of bacteria from makeup while first grades were talking about which liquids would freeze faster. I spoke to a first
create a science fair project for a grade level competition. I wanted to bring my interests and two seemingly unrelated areas of science, pH level and conductivity, together for creating an experiment for the science fair. My decision was to test the effect of pH level of different liquids on their conductivity. The experiment also gave me some ideas and interest in a potential career path, to become a physicist in the future to explore subatomic particles. During my research for the science fair,
My science fair experiment is a homemade polygraph test. It will measure the sweat responses to different questions. Throughout the experiment I will be asking questions, first testing, then the actual experiment. It will not be as sophisticated as the polygraph tests that the government has, but it still has the same function and purpose. I will be testing Kole Rodriguez for my experiment. The history behind the polygraph machine has gone back to 1902. James McKenzie came up with the inadequate
Science Fiction as a Thought Experiment Science fiction is a fairly new genre compared to many other literature styles but is one of the most relevant and evolving literary classifications. It is a huge genre that encompasses many different types of stories such as dystopian, utopian, superheroes, and more. Science fiction is primarily used as a reflection of society as well as a forecast of what current society could become. Science fiction is argued to be a “Gedankenexperiment,” or thought experiment
School Science Test? Bella Lopez Table of Contents 1. Title page, pg.1 2. Table of Contents, pg.2 3. Abstract, pg.3 4. Introduction, pg.4 5. Question, pg.5 6. Purpose, pg.6 7. Variables, pg.7 8. Hypothesis, pg.8 9. Research, pg.9-12 10. Materials, pg.13 11. Procedure, pg.14 12. Data & Analysis, pg.15-16 13. Results & Conclusion, pg.17 14. Bibliography, pg. 18-19 Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to find out if an adults could pass a middle school science test. My
Question My testable science fair question is: Can you accurately measure pi through scientific experiments? I will conduct four separate scientific experiments throughout my project. My hypotheses for Hypothesis these experiments will vary greatly. My first experiment will be finding several large circles in our environment, then pacing off the circumstance and the diameter. I will then calculate pi by dividing the measured circumference by the measured diameter. My hypothesis for this method
My science experiment has 3 different results but there was only one that matched my hypothesis. After applying all my steps to the soda, when I put it through the strainer the soda completely went through the strainer; there was nothing left behind. Later after applying all my steps to the juice. i also put it through a strainer and i ended up with the same result as the soda. The only liquid i didn't get a bad result for was the milk. The milk went through the strainer and left behind this white
activity called the science fair. Her topic was “Does temperature affect the growth of basil plants?” Margaret has a rich desire to absorb all of the facts of the future, so she did this particular science fair experiment to find out if simple plants, such as basil, would be able to survive the deadly affects of global warming. Margaret used the scientific method through her trials of the science fair. So without further a due here is Margaret’s very successful and meticulous science fair journey.
The purpose of my science fair was to figure out what angle in shooting will produce the most amount of goals. First I chose which angle for shooting is more effective to produce the most amount of goals in a game. I chose this because in my games I have found that sometimes we miss the shots on goal, and I wanted to find a way to put an end to it. That's why I chose this for my science experiment. My results were that the 45 degree angle proved to be the best angle for shooting and -90 degree angle
of the villain’s, for just a science experiment! It all started by a man who had a special passion for nature. His favorite garden meals were the Blood meals and the Bone meal.