Scott Monument

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    Memorials And Monuments

    • 367 Words
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    Many people wonder why there is so many memorials or monuments around the world for specific things. For every memorial there is a meaning behind it and there is value in the monument to people. Something had happened to change the life of someone or something big enough would change something around the world. In this essay I will explain to you why memorials and monuments are meaningful to people and to everyone in the world. The monument I picked out was the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Power and Pathos uses 50 absolute masterpieces to tell the story of the spectacular artistic developments of the Hellenistic era (4th to 1st centuries B.C.), when new forms of expression began to prevail throughout the Mediterranean basin and beyond. There was an extraordinary leap forward in the development of techniques to form the first instance of globalization of the language of art in the known world. Art was in effect, going international. This exhibit has gathered together some of the most

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  • Decent Essays

    commemoration could either be a picture, a book, a special day, or a monument. Monuments are created to honor a famous person or a historic event. But before state/federal agencies or local communities start building a monument, there are some factors they should take into consideration. Including; the location, the cost, historical background, nature, and the significance of the monument, as well as the community’s perception about the monument. Controversy grew when non-Jewish and Jewish citizens heard

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Monuments can be seen all around the world and they can be a way for different states to show the world what they have gone through or what they are proud of. Deciding to build a monument to honor or bring awareness to an important event can turn out to be difficult. There are many factors that need to be looked over and thought out properly before making a final decision. For example, the location of the monument needs to be considered, time and money should be included, and who/what the monument

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    "Public monuments, by contrast, offer an anachronistic experience: a face-to-face encounter in a specially valued place set aside for collective gathering"(Source A). Public monuments provide an escape, or a memory, to people who are willing to sink their teeth into the rich history they provide. More importantly, memorializing has been apart of humanity since the beginning of time, and we use it to praise people or events of importance, as well as events that hold great sorrow. Along with the importance

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Annually, approximately four million people will visit the Statue of Liberty (Productions, Mixit). The monument holds many meanings; a symbol of Franco-American alliance, freedom, and liberty (LLC, Shea Media.). Lady Liberty, and many other monuments, are held in high regard and beloved by the American people. But how did this monument, and others, come to be? The idea of monumentalizing an event or person isn’t as straightforward as it sounds. While some people may think the process is easy, many

    • 1399 Words
    • 6 Pages
    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    are today. In the past months, there has been a big spark in the debate of confederate monuments and if they should be removed or be able to stay. I argue that confederate monuments should be preserved to be honest about our nation’s past. What is a monument, and why are people still talking about a topic that took place over a century ago? Well according to the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, monument means, “a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable

    • 930 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Monuments are used to memorialize and honor moments, individuals and events of the past. Some monuments do this better than other monuments. In creating a monument there are three essential factors a group or agency should consider to make the monument as effective as possible: location, design features, purpose and backstory. Why these factors? Location and design factors play a massive role in the reception the monument will receive, based on its environment, size and looks a monument will be

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The writer develops an effective argument that examines the three key factors (location, size, and material) a group or agency should consider in memorializing an event or person and in creating a monument in order to “effectively pay homage to deep sacrifice or honor moments of great achievement.” The sources selected illustrate a critical understanding of each source’s position, allowing the student to convincingly engage the sources to facilitate the student’s own argument.For example, in the

    • 300 Words
    • 2 Pages
    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Dbq Monument

    • 674 Words
    • 3 Pages

    million words then a 3-d picture which is a monument is worth one million stories. The purpose of monuments is to tell a story about an events therefore crital thinking adn efforts are placed into making monuments. Depending on where the monuemnt is located and how it is built including its pose and the material it is made up of, it helps the audience live in that moment with the monuments,making the monument and the sudience one. The position of a monument is very important because the purpose of

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    • 3 Pages
    Decent Essays