Second Officer

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    Pros: - Definitely you have the potential, initiative and confident to be a Second Class Petty officer. - Continue with the command activities involvement. This only can make you a better leader and provide you with the experience and motivation to help others and to be an example for junior sailors. - Even when the tasks on hand are challenging, continue with the good attitude and motivation. This will never stop; it will increase. Cons: - All your cons are work related. Your ability, experience

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    Differences in Rocking-Horse Winner, Prussian Officer, and Second Best Works by the same author often show the repeated use of certain words, images, or plots. In five short stories by the author, D.H. Lawrence, differences between social classes are the basis for conflict and provide the foundation for taboo relationships. These five stories are "The Rocking-Horse Winner," "The Prussian Officer," "Second Best," "The White Stocking," and "The Daughters of the Vicar." The inclusion of the motif

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    Better Essays
  • Better Essays

    The hangar was alive with activity and tense with expectation as Tensai peered through the pilot's access hatch, then as he crossed the threshold, he paused for a second, inhaling deeply and revelling in the pungent, heavy odour of burnt high-octane fuel and spilt oil. To him, this was the essence of power. Real authority. Not the kind lorded over by Kentali's political masters. As he thought, his gaze reached out across the huge hangar deck, its rich history marked by deep cuts and rainbowed spots

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Fatigue: A Case Study

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    Fatigue is a growing concern for law enforcement agencies, especially when it comes to officers that work second jobs (Doerner, 2012). Another concern would be officers using their sick time to work a second job, thus causing staffing issues for the agency (Doerner, 2012). Depending on the type of secondary employment, there could also be a conflict of interest further concerning the law enforcement agency (Doerner, 2012). Some agencies have policies that are in place to prevent issues with

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Vehicle Pursuit Policy

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    be issued to the officer who's not following them. 1.1 Initiating vehicle pursuit. When initiating vehicle pursuit, officer must notifie the vehicle with megaphone with light & sirens. Once the vehicle fails to pull over, officer must give him a second command with his megaphone. If the vehicle failes to pull over second time, officer must report pursuit in progress via their radio (Teamspeak3). 1.2 Updating vehicle pursuit. Once the pursuit is initiated then police officer must call the pursuit

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    not only did the officer have a split second to make a decision but they criminal did as well. While reading this article I noticed that the officer referred to what he had learned in training in the current situation he was in. The officer who made this decision is James Bogan. James Bogan began working for the Spartanburg Police Department in 2007 as a paramedic with the departments swat team. He recently graduated from the academy in 2012. Bogan was named rookie officer of the year and has

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS INTELLIGENCE OFFICER The United States Marine Corps is looking for a “Few Good Men” for their Officer Corps. There are a few different ways to achieve the rank of Second Lieutenant. Some officers go straight from college to a recruiter, and others join as an enlisted Marine and apply for an officer rank later in their career. I am applying for a commission from the enlisted ranks. I have found that enlisted to officer programs have many requirements and can be somewhat

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    I had the opportunity to internship at the Barstow Police Department. I was the first intern they had ever allowed to work with them. I got to learn a lot about the operation of a municipal law enforcement agency. I got observe in dispatching, go on a ride-a-long, work with the records department, I got to work with the Crime Scene Investigator and Evidence Room Technician, sit in on a detective briefing, and get involved with community programs. The Barstow Police Department services 40 square

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Major Cases and Notable Performance: 160729046 Officer Jimenez conducted a traffic stop in the 900 block of West Wadley Ave. Officer Jimenez ran the driver through MPD/NCIC TCIC database. MPD NCIC/TCIC advised that the driver was

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    questions would have to be interpreted in person to gauge how best to respond. Second, going by just the information provided. Intervention must be made on behalf of the subject. Force would only be needed to the point of gaining secure custody of a suspect. The best intervention would be an attempt to secure and restrain the individual, causing fellow officers to contain unwarranted aggression to avoid injuring the officer attempting to handcuff the suspect. I have arrested hundreds of individuals

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    Decent Essays