In 1936, the Spanish Civil War started on a hot summer day in July in the Spanish held Morocco. There was a group of generals that started a coup d'etat against the republic to start a more nationalist country. One of these generals, Francisco Franco, called for all army officers to join and destroy the leftist government of Manuel Azana, the Second Spanish Republic. They succeeded in taking over with the help of the Republicans in Madrid and other major Spanish cities. The new inventions of carpet
the Second Spanish Republic in 1931 until the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Spanish society struggled to establish a stable, representative democracy for only the second time in its long political history. With the spread of industrialization, the rise of a new working class, and the emergence of a new era of political movements, ideals, and philosophical ideologies or “isms” throughout Europe and the United States—communism, socialism, marxism, anarchism, fascism, etc., Spanish society
History The Second Republic (1931 to 1936) was an important time in Spain for their healthcare system. The political parties in power at this time supported the introduction of a social insurance system, even though each party had different ideas and political intentions. There were other significant changes during this time like universal suffrage and the establishment of a piece of legislation that allowed for freedom of speech and association. All this movement stopped when the dictator of Spain
After the ruling of the corrupt King Alfonso XIII and the horrible massacre the army faced when it was sent to Spanish Morocco, the progressive Popular Front government was elected. In 1936, with the promise of land reform, the conservative forces gathered to plan for resistance. The Spanish left wing, on the other hand, celebrated the elections so joyfully that made the conservative military officers, capitalists and churchman worried that a much broader reform would begin. Rumors of plotting for
of the Spanish Civil War and its legacy became a controversial debate after the death of Franco. During the war, the narrative was that the Second Republic was not truly a democracy and that the radical leftists hijacked the Second Republic that had ties to communism and anarchism. Granted, there was strong anticlericalism sentiment in Spain and the Soviet Union did support the Second Republic. However, Franco had support from Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany and therefore, the Second Republic did not
influential pieces of artwork ever created, Guernica. The piece was commissioned by the Spanish Republican government for an international exhibition in Paris. Originally Picasso had a completely different subject in mind, but on April 26, the revered Spanish town of Guernica became the first occupied civilian center decimated by carpet bombs. The complete and total destruction of the ancient and honored Spanish town ordered by fascist Francisco Franco and carried out by Nazi German allies outraged
Typical to fascist rule, Franco limited the freedoms of his people. Spanish citizens were stripped of their basic rights and freedoms including freedom of speech and freedom of association. Franco considered criticism a crime, therefore opposing political parties were outlawed and universal suffrage was eliminated (“Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly”). Franco's intention was to preserve his regime's principles and isolate Spanish culture from foreign influences. In order to achieve that goal
refused to enter into an electoral alliance with the Falange which stood isolated. Jose Antonio had stepped on too many toes by his justifiable criticism of scandal and corruption among parties of all shades. His calls for social justice for the Spanish working class, small farmers and agricultural workers led to charges by the Catholic and conservative Right Wing Press that he was a “Bolshevik” to which he responded that all those wealthy Spaniards who valued luxuries and their petty whims more
Pan 's Labyrinth: Fascism Faced with Fantasy Pan 's Labyrinth is a film based in 1944 fascist Spain during the reign of Francisco Franco, following the Spanish civil war. His regime stressed rules and order as well as the repression of the individual. The very basis of fascism revolves around the idea that a country should be ruled by a single power and all others should follow this power regardless of their own individual opinions. It is this notion that brought the strict regulations and violent
hearts of the people it has affected even years after it subsides. When Pablo Picasso created the larger-than-life mural Guernica, it becomes rightly apparent that Picasso wanted it to impact the people so as to gain more support and sympathy for the Spanish Republican cause, but I am not exactly sure if he realized how relatable this painting would be for all of the wars of the future that would follow after World War II. Viewing the painting from an inevitably political perspective, I find the picture