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    greatly defends in poetry. Angelou believes that anyone can be successful and prosper with hard work regardless of the color of their skin. In the poem “Times-Square-Shoeshine-Composition,” Angelou depicts a day in the life of an African American shoe shiner in Times Square, and a white man’s pity and refusal to support the shoe shiner’s business which can relate to all. In her poem “Times-Square-Shoeshine-Composition”, Angelou creates a distinct speaker’s voice using sound elements and structural variations

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  • Decent Essays

    Shiner: A Short Story

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    I was born in Yoakum, Texas about fifteen minutes away from Shiner, Texas. Shiner is a small town where I have been raised all my life. This community has always been more than just the same people you see all the time. My community became my family. I believe you could say Shiner is the type of "water tower town". I say that because everyone knows each other and although we have two different schools, we all come together and support each other. My parents, as well as my teachers and friends, have

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    Shiners Case Study

    • 1986 Words
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    Question Presented: Whether President Doe was wrong to decide, during his meeting with the American Bar Association to suspend the Shiners rights to trial, within the newly implemented Ethical Canon which was created specifically for the Shiners; was there any, Model Rules of Professional Conduct that were violated? Brief Answer: Yes. To decide first to suspend the Shiners right to trial is a violation to their fundamental rights, which are protected by the Constitution of the United States. All citizens

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    Shiner Gazette Analysis

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    power. The Shiner Gazette, a local newspaper, shows a snapshot of a rural Texas town in 1908. An agricultural community, Shiner was dominated by the Democratic Party and primarily populated by Czech and German immigrants who farmed cotton and corn (Ramsey). By adapting the party platform to appeal to farmers and utilizing the White Primary to limit the access of African American voters, the Democratic Party was successful in maintaining Democratic supremacy, as clearly shown in the Shiner Gazette

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  • Decent Essays

    General Information: Topeka Shiner a small minnow (family Cyprinidae) has been on South Dakota endangered list since January of 1999. Topeka Shiner is a small minnow that was found in a river near Topeka, Kansas in 1959. This minnow has a shiny silver color and has a black colored stripe that runs along the side of the body. According to Game fish and Parks (GFP), the shiner grows to about 1 to 2 inches but can get as big as three inches. Small aquatic insects, especially midges make up a large

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    There are clear violations of the Shiner’s rights. Although the Shiners are considered to be a secession group, they are still protected under the Fourteenth Amendment (Lash, 2014). Despite the fact that the Shiners wanted to live by their own governed laws and practice their own religion, they are still United States Citizens (Wellman, 2014). According to the Fourteenth Amendment, any individual that was born or naturalized in the United States, are citizens of the United States and whichever State

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  • Decent Essays

    The Arkansas river shiner is a small streamlined minnow that rarely exceeds 2.5 inches in length.The upper body of the river shiner is a very light tan color, and the sides and belly of this fish are a silvery white color. There is also a small, dark chevron-shaped marking at the base of the tail fin. This species of fish lives in schools and feeds on small aquatic insects and invertebrates.The habitat of the Arkansas river shiner is the shallow braided channels of wide sandy prairie rivers in the

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    Norman Rockwell’s painting, A Young Lady with a Shiner, brings to life an imaginative and engaging scene. His illustration depicts a young girl who is battered and bruised, seated on a bench in a room adjoining the principal’s office; she is apparently waiting to be spoken too. Smiling broadly with a happy, toothless grin, she contrasts directly with the people in the office who can be seen through the partially opened door. The man and woman do not see any amusement in the actions this girl has

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    The Young Lady and the Shiner: Defying Gender Roles A painting by the title of “The Young Lady and the Shiner” displays a young school girl with a black eye, wrinkled clothes, and a wide smile sitting outside the principal's office. The purpose for the illustration was to express the girls happiness for standing up for herself by fighting and defying gender roles. This is a work of Norman Rockwell which was painted in 1953, the famous American artist created realistic paintings of an idealistic America

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  • Decent Essays

    American illustrator Norman Percevel Rockwell, a contributor for The Saturday Evening Post, published an oil painting called The Young Lady With The Shiner on May 23, 1953 (Best Norman Rockwell Art). The piece depicts a bruised, messy, ginger schoolgirl sitting on a bench outside of a principal’s office where a woman, possibly her mother, and the principal converse about the girl’s supposed consequence. The girl’s sloppy clothes and untidy hair imply that she involved herself in a fight, resulting

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    Decent Essays