Smith patton

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    George Smith Patton was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California, the relative of a Confederate Common War veteran. Dyslexic as a kid, he was guided at home until the age of 12 instead of go to government funded school. In any case, Patton needed to be a warrior more than whatever else, and he endeavored to conquer his dyslexia. His endeavors were remunerated in 1903 when he picked up acknowledgement into the Virginia Military Foundation. After a year of study, Patton was admitted to

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  • Decent Essays

    George Smith Patton was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California, the relative of a Confederate Common War veteran. Dyslexic as a kid, he was guided at home until the age of 12 instead of go to government funded school. In any case, Patton needed to be a warrior more than whatever else, and he endeavored to conquer his dyslexia. His endeavors were remunerated in 1903 when he picked up acknowledgement into the Virginia Military Foundation. After a year of study, Patton was admitted to

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  • Decent Essays

    I researched George Smith Patton Jr. He was a general during World War two and mainly served in Europe. He was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel California. His father George Smith Patton Sr. also had experience in the war area, he fought for the confederate army during the Civil War. After he survived the civil war he was married to Ruth Wilson. George don't have many siblings, he only had a younger sister named Anne who they called “Nita”. Although Patton had trouble when he was

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  • Good Essays

    General George Smith Patton A burning desire to go forth and reach personal conquests exists inside every man. This passion often navigates the would-be hero into a state of tragedy involving pain and suffering for those around. One individual, in particular, inflicted strain and duress on others with a harsh, and often criticized unorthodox style of leading when he took his campaign across Europe and into Germany. General George Smith Patton, Jr. led an expedition across a continent to

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    George Smith Patton Jr. was one of the most aggressive generals the allies had during WWII. As a German official said, “Patton was the smartest and most skillful general during WWII.” Patton was known as “Old Blood and Guts” throughout the end of WWII. If all of this is true then, what kind of an impact did he have on the war? George Smith Patton Jr. was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California. His mother and father were known as Ruth Wilson and George S Patton. Patton attended Virginia

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  • Better Essays

    II-History 102 Online October 23, 2014 Patton: Man, Warrior, General General George Smith Patton for many Americans is the unrivaled symbol of the American army during World War II. His passion for warfare and his uncanny ability to lead men allowed him to grasp any situation on a battlefield. General Patton gained a reputation both stateside and in Europe for his hardnosed and unyielding tactics. In 1970, a film in Hollywood showed a glimpse of what George S. Patton was like in real life. In this

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  • Better Essays

    The Real General George Patton World War II was the most destructive war in history. It began in 1939 as a European conflict between Germany and a British and French alliance, but eventually included most of the nations of the world. Most of the war was fought with the same types of weapons used in World War I. The greatest advances were in aircraft and tanks. Patton was the first soldier in the tank corps. He created the training procedures, the regulations and the methods of instruction

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  • Decent Essays

    The Patton speech and the Address to the Troops at Tilbury are some of the most influential and impactful war speeches of all time. During these times of war, crisis and desperation, how do the speakers address the fears and hopes of their men? Under similar circumstances, what appeal would best address your own fears and hopes? The Patton speech and the Address to the Troops at Tilbury were both written for different purposes and were equally effective in conveying their message to the targeted

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  • Good Essays

    General George S. Patton was a great man, and accomplished many great things in his career as a military officer. He was hard-nosed and didn’t stand for coward ness. For these reasons he made a great General. He would not let his troops quit, and he never quit himself, and for that he got much admiration. Patton was an undeniable motivator; his speeches got to the heart of the issue and could motivate even the weakest men to engage in battle. General Omar Nelson Bradley was a different kind of man

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  • Better Essays

    hero they all look up to is their general, George S. Patton. He truly is the hero of this theatre of war. These, and all heroes, look at danger as little more than an obstacle to overpass. General George S Patton and Odysseus from The Odyssey, by Homer, are both heroes. They reached fame at very different times but they both exhibited the same qualities and abilities that allowed them to overcome any and every challenge thrown at them. Patton fought Nazis in North Africa and Western Europe, Odysseus

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