Social analysis

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    Mental Health Research Project Sociology 315: Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences Professor Dana Williams By: Hayden Beaudreau 12/11/15 Question: This research project will try to grasp a better understanding of an individual’s mental health based off a few different variables including respondent’s income, alcohol consumption, and marital status. The main focus for this research will be to try and grasp a further understanding of the effects each of

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    Plan to Influence Policy In order to conduct meaningful change and to be effective in influencing policy, there must be a well thought out plan in place. In the text The Policy-Based Profession: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers by Popple and Leighninger (2015) they argue that “For an action strategy to be effective, it is imperative that the people taking the action have a firm grasp on the problem they are dealing with and on achievable goals. You must do your

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    Introduction: The ecosystems around us in nature provide us with many services that humans benefit from, such as water filtration and clean air. However, these benefits are not something many people think about how we benefit from these services since they typically aren’t something we are used to paying for. Still, people benefit from the services offered by ecosystems everyday. Within cities, urban parks can be found throughout the USA. Some are home to forests, wetlands, grasslands, while others

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    Social Skills Analysis

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    Analysis I decided to do my school counseling core curriculum lesson plan on social skills for grades kindergarten and first. I choose social skills because it is one of the most important skills a person can learn in their life time. Good social skills can go a long way. Social skills are important to teach at an early age. “The ages between 5 and 12 are critical to a child’s social development” (social skills). Social development is taught by parents as well as teachers. Children also learn social

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    supported by conformity and social identity theories. Conformity is defined as the adherence to group norms and standards, while social identity is considered to be a person’s sense of self based off of the groups they are a member of. We can expect patterns to be found within groups because of the

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    Social Media Mining: Sentiment Analysis Gloria Ngo Daniel Cano Hueros Andrew Gribben Cyril Jacob April 28, 2016 Table of Contents Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………...1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………....2 Relating Social Media Mining to DSS Methodology…………………………………………2 Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Logical Design………………………………………………………………………………...4 Lessons Learned……………………………………………………………………………….8 References……………………………………………………………………………………10

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    Data were extracted from the 2016 General Social Survey (GSS 2016) – “a repeated cross-sectional survey of a nationally representative sample of non-institutionalized adults who speak either English or Spanish” in the United States (National Science Foundation, 2007, P11). The unit analysis for GSS 2016 was individual. The GSS sample was drawn from an area probability design that randomly selects respondents in households across the country, which includes a mix of urban, suburban and rural geographic

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    Social Media Analysis

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    “Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but service to community.” This quote from Simon Mainwaring emphasizes the purpose of social media and how using it works to create a community. Each discourse community has a different standard in communication and everyday we are asked to use different ways to communicate. The way we communicate can tell a lot about the community we are in. Each day is a new opportunity to communicate with different people who are a part of several communities

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    This article examines the popular “gay social” mobile application Grindr. The primary focus of this study was to acknowledge and understand the ways in which Grindr gives MSM (men who have sex with other men) the ability to interact with others. The primary means by which Blackwell and his colleagues explain Grindr’s influence on social interactions is through the process of co-situation. Co-situation is described as the ability to occupy and communicate within multiple spaces, to different audiences

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    Functionality in SNA(Social Network Analysis)[7] Functionalities are firstly the visualization of the network, secondly the computation of statistics based on nodes and on edges, and finally, community detection (or clustering) 1)Visualization of the network- Methods 1) FruchtermanReingold 2) Kamada-Kawai (which has a faster convergence than FruchtermanReingold, but which often does not give so good results than this last one) 2) Computation of statistics based on nodes A) Vertex and edge

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