Software cracking

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    Analysis Of Column 7L

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    During the initial site walk, cracking was observed on the north corbel of column 7B, as labeled on the 2014 structural drawings for the site. During the renovations in 2014, steel columns were added in the vicinity of the B line of columns in this area of the structure. Given that these new columns may have been added to take additional stresses caused by the renovations and/or additions, observation of the deteriorated conditions of this corbel warranted additional investigation of other corbels

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  • Decent Essays

    Asphalt Tips

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    • 2 Pages

    Asphalt is a relatively durable product, which is why it is commonly used on roadways and driveways. However, without proper maintenance it can give way to cracks or holes. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to fix these issues—as long as you address them quickly. So if you are interested in fixing a crack or hole in your asphalt, use these three tips to ensure you get good results: 1. Clean Well Before you do anything, make sure you thoroughly clean the asphalt. Any loose bits of dirt and debris could

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    main aim is to compare two network security software tools using Kali Linux to carry out a type of attack which helps build and develop an awareness to protect computers from varies password attacks. The chosen software tools are offline password attack (John the Ripper) and (RainbowCrack) which they both are from similar Cyber Security attacks under password cracking tools. John the Ripper is free on multi-platform as it combines various password cracking features in one package. RainbowCrack uses

    • 1813 Words
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    network vulnerabilities. These hackers are known as white hackers or pen testers. The most popular way to hack into a computer is with a certain attack named brute force. The brute-force attack is one of the most popular cracking methods., it is not just for password cracking. Brute-force attacks can also be used to discover hidden pages and content in a web application. This attack is basically hit and miss until you succeed. This attack sometimes takes longer, but its success rate is higher.

    • 1537 Words
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  • Decent Essays

    certain functions that are not related to the organizations’ function. Management can set policies that may arise due to improper uses or manipulations of systems and asses the threats that are unknown due to the introduction of new hardware and software. 2. Why is data the most important asset an organization possesses? What other assets in the organization require protection? The

    • 1765 Words
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    single most common point of failure in system security. Ensuring that passwords cannot be efficiently broken is important for encryption algorithms. Due to this, we decided to design a sequential and parallel algorithm that would be successful in cracking a password. Given an opportunity to research any topic where parallel programming may prove useful, we agreed on a brute-force algorithm. In our upcoming project, we would all attempt to design, implement, and analyze the brute-force algorithm.

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    There have been many efforts to create systems without considering the users. Furnell (2007) found that while the rules for password creation had been clearly established, websites were doing little to educate users. Campbell et al. (2011) tested a system that did enforce proper password creation but seemed perplexed why this did not reduce password reuse or the incorporation of personal information into passwords. This highlights one obvious problem in password research as there is a hyper-focus

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    • 7 Pages
    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Passwords This lab was to discuss the vulnerability of weak passwords. We were thought how to crack our own passwords using a method called “john the ripper”. We also found out how secure various passwords and how long it would take for a desktop Pc to crack these passwords. We looked up various methods and applications to crack passwords. Report Part One: Explain & Preventions Dictionary Attack = A technique used to try and find the user’s password by trying hundreds of different

    • 656 Words
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  • Good Essays

    discourse between the collective memory of the community and the individual memory. India’s 1947 partition reveals that there are many different histories to the independence of India and the subsequent creation of Pakistan. By utilizing the text Cracking India, author Bapsi Sidhwa examines the disparities between the two types of memories in order to reconcile the past with contemporary India/Pakistan. India and Pakistan are built from the same foundational nation of India before Partition; thus

    • 1467 Words
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  • Decent Essays

    Creative Writing: Elmore

    • 842 Words
    • 4 Pages

    A year passed by and I was well respected in Elmore. I had a shoe store that had a ton of business. Annabel and I we were getting married in two weeks. I was a virtuous man. I was finally beginning this normal life but, there was one problem, I still had my safecracking tools. I new that I had to get rid of them before anyone found out about my past. I sat down and wrote a letter to an old friend, Billy. I was going to Little Rock to get my wedding suit and buy something nice for Annabel. I hadn't

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