interests. The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) was created following the government's adoption of the recommendations set out in the Bichard Report. The report stemmed from the inquiry in to the tragic deaths of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in Soham in 2002. The ISA's to help prevent unsuitable people from working children and vulnerable adults. They will do this through a system of registration on which aims to ensure that every person who wants to work or volunteer with children or vulnerable
1. Analyse legal requirements and guidance relating to the safeguarding of children. Law and guidance regulate the way you should work with children in your childcare setting to support and encourage their well-being and safeguard them from abuse and maltreatment. Legislation provides a comprehensive instruction on what must be attained in respect to child protection and safeguarding. Whereas Legal guidance is more precise and provides details on how the law ought to be applied and fulfilled in early
analysed. Two news website articles were taken on The Soham murders of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells. In one of the most widely reported and harrowing of child murders in Britain’s history is the abduction and murder of 10-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in August 2002, the nature of the location of the crime, the Cambridge village of Soham, was regularly commented on by the media. The following extract is from The Guardian: Soham is the slightly down – at – heal town of 8,700 an inward
While still sailing on the ship with his master, Captain Michael Henry Pascal, gave him his name Gustavus Vassa. In the beginning, he refused to answer to the name given and wanted to be called Jacob. While still refusing he was put into cuffs and the name stuck with him since then. After the many names and traveling to many different places, people questioned his real identity. This goes into debate because individuals wanted to know if Equiano was more known for his literary scholarship, as
The Safeguarding and Welfare requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014) Works to safeguard children and their welfare. Promoting a safe, secure, healthy environment with positive relationship with adults and where their needs of children are met. The EYFS welfare and safeguarding framework aims to ensure care providers, care for children in a safe welcoming environment where they learn through play. The safeguarding policies and procedure includes what to
In the UK, there were over 50,000 children either on child protection registers or with a child protection plan. So, supporting the welfare and safety of children is very important, which is why there is a wide range of legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within the UK. The legislation and guidance has been developed in response to: • A focus on the need to protect those children/young people that are vulnerable • Independent inquiries into the deaths of children • The failure
Each agency has a different role and responsibility if a child or young person has been harmed or abused however, they all should work together in the best interest of the child. It is very dependent on the nature of the harm or abuse to how each agency proceeds, but below I have done a general view of the part that each agency will take. Social services – Ensure that a child has an allocated social worker who is responsible for ensuring a child protection plan to safeguard the child or young person
Meditation techniques have been practiced for over 5000 years in various cultures and religions all over the world, often tied to a religious or spiritual belief. They are seen as a way to increase physical health and metal wellbeing, helping an individual to establish calm and serenity, increase self-awareness and decrease stress (4). Meditation is hard to operationalize or define due to the many different varieties of mediation practices. There tends to be a general distinction between two main
The unmistakable photograph of two radiant schoolgirls in their Manchester United shirts makes the case of the Soham murders hard to forget. This very photo is the front cover of Nathan Yates’ written account and description of this case in his book called, ‘Beyond Evil: Inside The Twisted Mind of Ian Huntley’. Yates, working for the Daily Mirror, was one of the many reporters enquiring into the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. This true crime book is clear to comprehend Nathan Yates’
Olaudah Equiano led a remarkable life. He influenced and affected so many people in his time and ours. He was such a great writer, and was able to make his stories really touch people. He experienced so much in his life. He made a huge impact and many contributions to the topic of slavery. He was also very inspirational, because of how he went from nothing to being so successful. Olaudah Equiano was overall such an important figure in history, and went through so much in his childhood, slave life